3.6.1 The FirstNewCut Scheme

We propose a new learning scheme called FirstNewCut whose ease of analysis helps us demonstrate the power of clause learning. We would like to point out that we use this scheme here only to prove our theoretical bounds using specific formulas. Its effectiveness on other formulas has not been studied yet. We would also like to point out that the experimental results in this paper are for the 1UIP learning scheme, but can also be extended to certain other schemes, including FirstNewCut.

The key idea behind FirstNewCut is to make the conflict clause as relevant to the current conflict as possible by choosing a cut close to the conflict literals. This is what the FirstUIP scheme also tries to achieve in a slightly different manner. For the following definitions, fix a cut in a conflict graph and let S be the set of nodes on the reason side that have an edge to some node on the conflict side. S is the reason side frontier of the cut. Let CS be the conflict clause associated with this cut.

Definition 9   Minimization of conflict clause CS is the following process: while there exists a node v $ \in$ S all of whose predecessors are also in S, move v to the conflict side, remove it from S, and repeat.

Definition 10   FirstNewCut scheme: Start with a cut whose conflict side consists of $ \Lambda$ and a conflict literal. If necessary, repeat the following until the associated conflict clause, after minimization, is not already known: pick a node on the conflict side, and move all its predecessors that lie on the reason side, other than those that correspond to decision variables, to the conflict side. Finally, learn the resulting new minimized conflict clause.

This scheme starts with the cut that is closest to the conflict literals and iteratively moves it back toward the decision variables until a new associated conflict clause is found. This backward search always halts because the cut with all decision variables on the reason side is certainly a new cut. Note that there are potentially several ways of choosing a literal to move the cut back, leading to different conflict clauses. The FirstNewCut scheme, by definition, always learns a clause not already known. This motivates the following:

Definition 11   A clause learning scheme is non-redundant if on a conflict, it always learns a clause not already known.

Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 22 (2004). Copyright AI Access Foundation. All rights reserved.