
Klinkenberg/Rueping/2003a: Concept Drift and the Importance of Examples

Bibtype Incollection
Bibkey Klinkenberg/Rueping/2003a
Author Klinkenberg, Ralf and Rüping, Stefan
Ls8autor Klinkenberg, Ralf
Rüping, Stefan
Editor Franke, Jurgen and Nakhaeizadeh, Gholamreza and Renz, Ingrid
Title Concept Drift and the Importance of Examples
Booktitle Text Mining -- Theoretical Aspects and Applications
Pages 55--77
Address Berlin, Germany
Publisher Physica-Verlag
Year 2003
Projekt SFB475, SFB531, YALE, concept_drift_plugin
Learning Drifting Concepts
Text Mining

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