
Poelitz/2015b: Modelling Time and Location in Topic Models

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Poelitz/2015b
Author Christian Poelitz
Ls8autor Pölitz, Christian
Title Modelling Time and Location in Topic Models
Journal ICLM Workshops - CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Volume 2
Number 2
Pages 95-96
Abstract Many text collections like news paper or social
media blog archives contain texts that often refer
to special dates and/or locations. These informa-
tion can be valuable to investigate topics in cer-
tain regions and time spans. We use topic models
that integrate time and geographical information
extracted from the texts to find such topics. In
this extended abstract, we motivate our approach
and shortly describe the method. Experimental
evaluations and detailed description are in prepa-
ration to a full paper.
Year 2015
Url http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1392/paper-15.pdf
Spatio-temporal models

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