
Habel/etal/2015a: Traffic simulations with empirical data -- How to replace missing traffic flows?

Bibtype Inbook
Bibkey Habel/etal/2015a
Author Habel, Lars and Molina, Alejandro and Zaksek, Thomas and Kersting, Kristian and Schreckenberg, Michael
Ls8autor Molina, Alejandro
Editor Knoop, Victor L. and Daamen, Winnie
Title Traffic simulations with empirical data -- How to replace missing traffic flows?
Booktitle Traffic and Granular Flow '15
Pages 491-498
Publisher Springer
Month 05
Year 2016
Projekt SFB876-B4
Url http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-33482-0_62