
Lokuciejewski/etal/2009a: Automatic WCET Reduction by Machine Learning Based Heuristics for Function Inlining

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Lokuciejewski/etal/2009a
Author Lokuciejewski, Paul and Gedikli, Fatih and Marwedel, Peter and Morik, Katharina
Ls8autor Morik, Katharina
Title Automatic WCET Reduction by Machine Learning Based Heuristics for Function Inlining
Booktitle SMART '09: Proc. of the 3rd Workshop on Statistical and Machine Learning Approaches to Architecture and Compilation
Pages 1--15
Address Paphos / Cyprus
Month January
Year 2009
Projekt SFB876-A1, SFB876-A3

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