
Saadallah/Mykula/2022a: Online Adaptive Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Saadallah/Mykula/2022a
Author Saadallah, Amal and Mykula, Hanna and Katharina, Morik
Ls8autor Morik, Katharina
Saadallah, Amal
Title Online Adaptive Multivariate Time Series Forecasting
Booktitle Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases
Abstract  Multivariate Time Series (MTS) involve multiple time series
variables that are interdependent. The MTS follows two dimensions,
namely spatial along the different variables composing the MTS and
temporal. Both, the complex and the time-evolving nature of MTS data
make forecasting one of the most challenging tasks in time series analysis.
Typical methods for MTS forecasting are designed to operate in a static
manner in time or space without taking into account the evolution of
spatio-temporal dependencies among data observations, which may be
subject to significant changes. Moreover, it is generally accepted that
none of these methods is universally valid for every application. Therefore,
we propose an online adaptation of MTS forecasting by devising a fully
automated framework for both adaptive input spatio-temporal variables
and adequate forecasting model selection. The adaptation is performed
in an informed manner following concept-drift detection in both spatiotemporal dependencies and model performance over time. In addition, a
well-designed meta-learning scheme is used to automate the selection of
appropriate dependence measures and the forecasting model. An extensive
empirical study on several real-world datasets shows that our method
achieves excellent or on-par results in comparison to the state-of-the-art
(SoA) approaches as well as several baselines
Year 2022

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