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IJCAI 99 Workshop: Machine Learning for Information Filtering

Papers of the Workshop
"Machine Learning for Information Filtering"
at IJCAI 99

August 1st, 1999
Stockholm, Sweden


Improvement of Combination Information Filtering Method Based on Reliabilities
               Y. Ariyoshi [postscript (gz)]

A Text Classifier Based on Linguistic Processing
               R. Basili, A. Moschitti, M. Pazienza [postscript (gz)]

Recommending Papers by Mining the Web
               C. Basu, H. Hirsh, W. Cohen, C. Nevill-Manning [not available]

Error-Correcting Output Coding for Text Classification
               A. Berger [postscript (gz)]

An Unsupervised Clustering Tool for Unstructured Data
               D. Boley, V. Borst, M. Gini [postscript (gz)]

On-line Learning of User Preferences in Recommender Systems
               J. Delgado, N. Ishii [postscript (gz)]

Automatically Labeling Web Pages Based on Normal User Actions
               J. Goecks, J. Shavlik [postscript (gz)]

Information Filtering in Changing Domains
               C. Lanquillon [postscript (gz)]

EmailValet: Learning User Preferences for Wireless Email
               S. Macskassy, A. Dayanik, H. Hirsh [postscript (gz)]

Combining Shallow Text Processing and Machine Learning in Real World Applications
               G. Neumann, S. Schmeier [postscript (gz)]

Using Maximum Entropy for Text Classification
               K. Nigam, J. Lafferty, A. McCallum [postscript (gz)]

Collaborative Filtering by Personality Diagnosis: A Hybrid Memory- and Model-Based Approach
               D. Pennock, E. Horvitz [postscript (gz)]

A Statistical Clustering Method to Provide a Semantic Indexing of Texts
               T. Poibeau [postscript (gz)]

Augmenting Information Retrieval by Knowledge Infusion
               J. Riley, K. Delic [postscript (gz)]

Combining Content and Collaboration in Text Filtering
               I. Soboroff, C. Nicholas [postscript (gz)]

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Last modified August 31st, 1999 by Thorsten Joachims <
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