
Books with participation of the AI-unit

Braunschweig/Ghallab/2021a Ala-Pietilä, Pekka and Antonin, Celine and Baeza-Yates, Ricardo and Baldwin, Richard and Banifatemi, Amir and Berg, Janine and Braunschweig, Bertrand and Cadain, Alexandre and Casonato, Carlo and Buse, Cetin and Chatila, Raja and DeCario, Nicole and Delacroix, Sylvie and Dengel, Andreas and Devillers, Laurence and Dignum, Virginia and Etzioni, Oren and Finlay, Rebecca and Fisher, Michael and Fogelman-Soulie, Francoise and Gefen, Alexandre and Ghallab, Malik and Giannotti, Fosca and Harayama, Yuko and Hodes, Cyrus and Hoos, Holger and Karvar, Anousheh and Langlois, Lyse and Lannquist, Yolanda and Li, Fei-Fei and Maclure, Jocelyn and Miailhe, Nicolas and Milano, Michela and Montgomery, Jessica and Morik, Katharina and Nurock, Vanessa and Parizeau, Marie-Hélène and Pineau, Joelle and Régis, Catherine and Russell, Stuart and Saint-Raymond, Léa and Schaal, Laura Maria and Smuha, Nathalie and Takeda, Hideaki and Traverso, Paolo and Tsujii, Junichi and Venturini, Tomasso and Wyckoff, Andrew and Yeung, Karen. Reflections on Artificial Intelligence for Humanity. Springer, 2021. Arrow Symbol
Morik/Kraemer/2018a Morik, Katharina and Kraemer, Walter. Daten - wem gehören sie, wer speichert sie, wer darf auf sie zugreifen?. Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 2018. Arrow Symbol
Laessig/etal/2016a Lässig, Jörg and Kersting, Kristian and Morik, Katharina. Computational Sustainability. Springer, 2016. Arrow Symbol
Natarajan/Kersting/2014a Natarajan, Sriraam and Kersting, Kristian and Khot, Tushar and Shavlik, Jude. Boosted Statistical Relational Learners: From Benchmarks to Data-Driven Medicine. Springer, 2014. Arrow Symbol
Morik/etal/2005c Morik, Katharina and Boulicaut, Jean-François and Siebes, Arno. Local Pattern Detection. Vol. 3539, Springer, 2005. Arrow Symbol
Morik/Klingspor/2005a Morik, Katharina and Klingspor, Volker. Informatik kompakt. Springer, 2005.
Joachims/2002b Joachims, Thorsten. Learning to Classify Text using Support Vector Machines. Vol. 668, Kluwer, 2002. Arrow Symbol
Morik/etal/99b K. Morik and V. Klingspor and M. Kaiser. Making Robots Smarter -- Combining Sensing and Action through Robot Learning. Kluwer Academic Press, 1999.
Bell/97a Siegfried Bell. Entdeckung von Metadaten zur semantischen Anfrageoptimierung in relationalen Datenbanken. 52013 Aachen, Shaker Verlag, 1997.
Morik/etal/93a Morik, Katharina and Wrobel, S. and Kietz, Jörg-Uwe and Emde, W.. Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning - Theory, Methods, and Applications. London, Academic Press, 1993.
Guesgen/Hertzberg/92a H. W. Guesgen and J. Hertzberg. A Perspective of Constraint-Based Reasoning: An Introductory Tutorial. No. 597, Springer, 1992.
Morik/82a Morik, Katharina. Überzeugungssysteme der Künstlichen Intelligenz. Validierung vor dem Hintergrund linguistischer Theorien über implizite Ausserungen. Tübingen, Max Niemeyer, 1982.