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Morik/Rueping/2006a | Morik, Katharina and Rüping, Stefan. Klassifikations-/Clustermethoden und Konjunkturanalyse. Duncker & Humbolt, 2006. |
Morik/Rueping/2006b | Morik, Katharina and Rüping, Stefan. An Inductive Logic Programming Approach to the Classification of Phases in Business Cycles. In Heilemann, U. and Weihs, Claus (editors), Classification and Clustering in Business Cycle Analysis, Duncker & Humbolt, 2006. |
Rueping/2006a | Rüping, Stefan. Learning interpretable models. University Dortmund, 2006. |
Rueping/Scheffer/2005a | Ruping, Stefan and Scheffer, Tobias (editors). Proceedings of the ICML 2005 Workshop on Learning with Multiple Views. 2005. |
Rueping/2004a | Rüping, Stefan. A Simple Method for Estimating Conditional Probabilities in SVMs. In Abecker, A. and Bickel, S. and Brefeld, U. and Drost, I. and Henze,N. and Herden, O. and Minor, M. and Scheffer, T. and Stojanovic, L. and Weibelzahl, S. (editors), Lernen - Wissensentdeckung - Adaptivität, Berlin, Humboldt-Universität, 2004. |
Rueping/2004b | Rüping, Stefan. Probabilistic SVMs - How Much Scaling Do We Need?. 2004. |
Klinkenberg/Rueping/2003a | Klinkenberg, Ralf and Rüping, Stefan. Concept Drift and the Importance of Examples. In Franke, Jurgen and Nakhaeizadeh, Gholamreza and Renz, Ingrid (editors), Text Mining -- Theoretical Aspects and Applications, pages 55--77, Berlin, Germany, Physica-Verlag, 2003. |
Rueping/Morik/2003a | Rüping, Stefan and Morik, Katharina. Support Vector Machines and Learning about Time. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'03), 2003. |
Rueping/Morik/2003b | Rüping, Stefan and Morik, Katharina. Support Vector Machines and Learning about Time. No. 4, SFB475, Universitat Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany, 2003. |
Morik/etal/2002a | Morik, Katharina and Joachims, T. and Imhoff, M. and Brockhausen, P. and Rüping, S.. Integrating Kernel Methods into a Knowledge-based Approach to Evidence-based Medicine. In Schmitt, Manfred and Teodorescu, Horia-Nicolai and Jain, Ashlesha and Jain, Ajita and Jain, Sandhya and Jain, Lakhmi C. (editors), Studies in Fuzzi- ness and Soft Computing., Vol. 96, pages 71--99, Physica-Verlag, 2002. |
Morik/Rueping/2002a | Morik, Katharina and Rüping, Stefan. A Multistrategy Approach to the Classification of Phases in Business Cycles. In Elomaa, Taprio and Mannila, Heikki and Toivonen, Hannu (editors), Machine Learning: ECML 2002, Vol. 2430, pages 307--318, Berlin, Springer, 2002. |
Rueping/2002a | Stefan Rüping. Support Vector Machines in Relational Databases. In Seong-Whan Lee and Alessandro Verri (editors), Pattern Recognition with Support Vector Machines --- First International Workshop, SVM 2002, pages 310--320, Springer, 2002. |
Rueping/2002b | Rüping, Stefan. Efficient Kernel Calculation for Multirelational Data. In Kokai, Gabriella and Zeidler, Jens (editors), Proceedings der FGML 2002, pages 121-126, Learning Lab Lower Saxony, Hannover, Germany, 2002. |
Rueping/2002c | Rüping, Stefan. Incremental Learning with Support Vector Machines. No. 18, SFB475, Universitat Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany, 2002. |
Klinkenberg/etal/2001a | Klinkenberg, Ralf and Ruping, Stefan and Fick, Andreas and Henze, Nicola and Herzog, Christian and Molitor, Ralf and Schroder, Olaf (editors). LLWA 01 -- Tagungsband der GI-Workshop-Woche Lernen -- Lehren -- Wissen -- Adaptivitat. No. Nr. 763, Dortmund, Germany, 2001. |
Rueping/2001a | Rüping, Stefan. SVM Kernels for Time Series Analysis. In Klinkenberg, Ralf and Ruping, Stefan and Fick, Andreas and Henze, Nicola and Herzog, Christian and Molitor, Ralf and Schroder, Olaf (editors), LLWA 01 - Tagungsband der GI-Workshop-Woche Lernen - Lehren - Wissen - Adaptivitat, pages 43-50, Dortmund, Germany, 2001. |
Rueping/2001b | Rüping, Stefan. Incremental Learning with Support Vector Machines. In Cercone, Nick and Lin, T.Y. and Wu, Xindong (editors), Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM '01), pages 641--642, IEEE, 2001. |
Rueping/99a | Rüping, Stefan. Zeitreihenprognose fur Warenwirtschaftssysteme unter Berucksichtigung asymmetrischer Kostenfunktionen. Universitat Dortmund, 1999. |