
Haustein/Luedecke/99b: Combination of Agent- and Blackboard-Technologies for Buisiness Applications

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Haustein/Luedecke/99b
Author Haustein, Stefan and Ludecke, Sascha
Ls8autor Haustein, Stefan
Lüdecke, Sascha
Editor Kirn, Stefan and Petsch, Mathias
Title {C}ombination of {A}gent- and {B}lackboard-{T}echnologies for {B}uisiness {A}pplications
Booktitle Workshop ``Intelligente Softwareagenten und betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungsszenarien''
Series Arbeitsbericht
Number 16
Pages 231--237
Organization TU-Ilmenau, Wirtschaftsinformatik 2
Address Ilmenau
Year 1999
Projekt COMRIS