
Falkenberg/etal/2018b: Machine Learning Based Uplink Transmission Power Prediction for LTE and Upcoming 5G Networks using Passive Downlink Indicators

Bibtype Inproceedings
Bibkey Falkenberg/etal/2018b
Author Robert Falkenberg and Benjamin Sliwa and Nico Piatkowski and Christian Wietfeld
Ls8autor Piatkowski, Nico
Title Machine Learning Based Uplink Transmission Power Prediction for LTE and Upcoming 5G Networks using Passive Downlink Indicators
Booktitle 2018 IEEE 88th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-Fall)
Address Chicago, USA
Month 08
Year 2018
Projekt SFB876-A4, SFB876-B4, SFB876-A1

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