
Heppe/etal/2021a: Lessons Learned from the 1st ARIEL Machine Learning Challenge: Correcting Transiting Exoplanet Light Curves for Stellar Spots

Bibtype Article
Bibkey Heppe/etal/2021a
Author Nikolaos Nikolaou and Ingo P. Waldmann and Angelos Tsiaras and Mario Morvan and Billy Edwards and Kai Hou Yip and Giovanna Tinetti and Subhajit Sarkar and James M. Dawson and Vadim Borisov and Gjergji Kasneci and Matej Petkovic and Tomaz Stepisnik and Tarek Al-Ubaidi and Rachel Louise Bailey and Michael Granitzer and Sahib Julka and Roman Kern and Patrick Ofner and Stefan Wagner and Lukas Heppe and Mirko Bunse and Katharina Morik
Ls8autor Bunse, Mirko
Heppe, Lukas
Morik, Katharina
Title Lessons Learned from the 1st {ARIEL} Machine Learning Challenge: {C}orrecting Transiting Exoplanet Light Curves for Stellar Spots
Journal The Astronomical Journal (under review)
Year 2020
Projekt SFB876-C3, ML2R
Url https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.15996

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