
Titel Author Year Type
Utilising an Ontology Based Repository to Connect Web Miners and Application Agents Stefan Haustein 2001 Inproceedings
Using User Models in Music Information Retrieval Systems Wei Chai and Barry Vercoe 2000 Inproceedings
Using Theory Resolution to Simplify Interpreted Formulae Rolf Socher--Ambrosius 1988 Inproceedings
Using the Dempster--Shafer Scheme in a Mixed--Initiative Expert System Shell Biswas, G. and Anand, T. S. 1989 Incollection
Using the cosine measure in a neural network for document retrieval Wilkinson, Ross and Hingston, Phillip 1991 Inproceedings
Using the balanced cooperative modeling approach of {MOBAL} in aid of the construction of {KADS} formal models of expertise Henk Tijssen 1995 Techreport
Using the Affective Reasoner to Support Social Simulations Clark Elliott 1993 Inproceedings
Using Structural Matching for Generalizing Examples Y. Kodratoff and J. G. Ganascia and T. Bollinger 1985 Inproceedings
Using Reciprocity to Adapt to Other Sandip Sen and Mahendra Sekaran 1996 Inproceedings
Using Psycho-Acoustic Models and Self-Organizing Maps to Create a Hierarchical Structuring of Music by Sound Similarity Andreas Rauber and Elias Pampalk and Dieter Merkl 2002 Inproceedings
Using Proof and Refutations to Learn From Experience Hayes-Roth, Frederick 1983 Incollection
Using Multiple Representations in Medicine: How Students Struggle with Them Boshuizen, Henny P. A. and van de Wiel, Margaretha W. J. 1998 Incollection
Using Models to Represent Reality Ronald N. Giere 1999 Inproceedings
Using Model-Based Learning to Support Clinical Decision Making - A Case Study Katharina Morik and George Potamias and Vassilis Moustakis and George Charissis 1993 Inproceedings
Using Machine Learning to Enhance Software Tools for Internet Information Management Green, Claire L. and Edwards, Peter 1996 Inproceedings
Using Machine Learning Techniques in Real-World Mobile Robots M. Kaiser and V. Klingspor and J. del R. Millán and M. Accame and F. Wallner and R. Dillmann 1995 Article
Using local information in a non--local way for mapping graph--like worlds Gregory Dudek and Paul Freedman and Souad Hadjres 1993 Inproceedings
Using limited information to exchange group stability Sen, S. and Arora, N. and Roychowdhury, S. 1998 Article
Using Lexical Chains for Text Summarization Regina Barzilay and Michael Elhadad 1999 Incollection
Using Learned Dependencies to Automatically Contruct Sufficient and Sensible Editing Views Schlimmer, Jeffrey C. 1993 Inproceedings
Using Learned Dependencies to Automatically Construct Sufficient and Sensible Editing Views Jeffrey Schlimmer 1993 Inproceedings
Using latent semantic indexing for information filtering. Foltz, Peter W. 1990 Inproceedings
Using latent class analysis in categorization research Geert DeSoete 1992 Incollection
Using Labeled and Unlabeled Data to Learn Drifting Concepts Klinkenberg, Ralf 2001 Inproceedings
Using Labeled and Unlabeled Data to Learn Drifting Concepts Ralf Klingenberg 2001 Inproceedings
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