
Titel Author Year Type
{A}n {E}mpirical {S}tudy of {M}eta{C}ost using {B}oosting {A}lgorithms Kai Ming Ting 2000 Incollection
{A}n {E}xperimental {C}omparison of {G}enetic {P}rogramming and {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming on {L}earning {R}ecursive {L}ist {F}unctions L. R. Tang and M. E. Califf and R. J. Mooney 1998 Techreport
{A}n {E}xperimental {F}ramework for {B}ehaviour {E}xtraction over {C}ommunication {F}lows in {M}ultiagent {S}ystems Jean-Paul Sansonnet and Erika Valencia 2000 Incollection
{A}n {E}xperimental {P}age {L}ayout {R}ecognition {S}ystem for {O}ffice {D}ocument {A}utomatic {C}lassification: {A}n {I}ntegrated {A}pproach for {I}nductive {G}eneralization. Esposito, F. and Malerba, D. and Semeraro, G. and Annese, E. and Scafuro, G. 1990 Inproceedings
{A}n {O}perational {S}emantics for intentional {S}pecifications of {A}gent {B}ehaviour Jeremy Pitt 2000 Incollection
{A}n algorithm for the machine computation of the complex {F}ourier series Cooley, J. W. and Tukey, J. W. 1965 Article
{A}n evaluation of statistical approaches to text categorization Yang, Yiming 1999 Article
{A}n Evaluation of Statistical Approaches to Text Categorization Yang, Yiming 1999 Article
{A}n experimental and theoretical comparison of model selection methods Kearns, M. and Mansour, Y. and Ng, A. and Ron, D. 1997 Article
{A}n introduction to hidden {M}arkov models Rabiner, L.R. and B.H. Juang 1986 Article
{A}n overwiev of some recent developments on {B}ayesian networks Haddawy, P. 1999 Article
{A}nalyse und {S}ynthese in einer kategorialen {U}nifikationsgrammatik: {M}öglichkeiten und {G}renzen Hans--Joachim Novak and Birgit Wesche 1988 Inproceedings
{A}nalysing {C}ustomer {C}hurn in {I}nsurance {D}ata - {A} {C}ase {S}tudy Katharina Morik and Hanna Köpcke 2004 Inproceedings
{A}nalysis of {O}bserved {C}haotic {D}ata Abarbanel, H. D. I. 1996 Book
{A}nforderungsanalyse für den {E}insatz automatischer {L}ernverfahren in {D}atenbanken am {B}eispiel eines {Q}ualitäts-{I}nformationssystems in der {A}utomobilindustrie Lothar K. Becker 1995 Mastersthesis
{A}nordnung -- {E}ine {F}allstudie zur {S}emantik bildhafter {R}epräsentation Schlieder, Christoph 1990 Incollection
{A}npassung und {E}valuierung statistischer {L}ernverfahren zur {B}ehandlung dynamischer {A}spekte in {D}ata {M}ining Kunisch, Gerhard 1996 Mastersthesis
{A}nsätze zum fallbasierten {K}onfigurieren Oliver Noack 1992 Incollection
{A}nwendung des {L}ernverfahrens {RDT} auf eine relationale {D}atenbank Lindner, Guido 1994 Mastersthesis
{A}pplication of {M}achine {L}earning and {D}ata {M}ining in {F}inance 1998 Proceedings
{A}pplications {O}f {D}ata {H}iding {I}n {D}igital {I}mages Fridrich, Jiri 1998 Misc
{A}pplying {D}ata {M}ining and advanced {GIS} to the {A}nalysis of {V}egetation {D}ata May, M. 1999 Incollection
{A}rchitektur und {A}nwendung des bildverstehenden {E}xpertensystems A. Pinz 1986 Inproceedings
{A}spekte der rechnergestützten {G}enerierung von {I}nferenzregeln durch {R}egelschemata Ch. Habel and C. R. Rollinger 1981 Inproceedings
{A}ssistenzsysteme zur {V}erarbeitung ungenauer {A}nweisungen Franco di Primio 1995 Inbook
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