
Titel Author Year Type
{A}ssoziative {K}onfigurierung M. Hein and W. Tank 1990 Inproceedings
{A}symmetric {C}o-evolution for {I}mperfect-{I}nformation {Z}ero-{S}um {G}ames Ole Martin Halck and Fredrik A. Dahl 2000 Incollection
{A}udio {F}eature {E}xtraction and {A}nalysis for {S}cene {S}egmentation and {C}lassification Liu, Z. and Wang, Y. and Chen, T. 1998 Article
{A}uffinden interessanter {W}ertebereiche in {D}atenbankattributen Franzel, Christian 1996 Mastersthesis
{A}uthoritative {S}ources in a {H}yperlinked {E}nvironment Kleinberg, Jon 1997 Techreport
{A}utomatic {C}onstruction of {D}ecision {T}rees from {D}ata: {A} {M}ulti-{D}isciplinary {S}urvey Murthy, Sreerama K. 1997 Article
{A}utomatic {S}ubspace {C}lustering of {H}igh {D}imensional {D}ata for {D}ata {M}ining {A}pplications Agrawal, Rakesh and Gehrke, Johannes and Gunopulos, Dimitrios and Raghavan, Prabhakar 1998 Article
{A}utomatic construction of decision trees from data: {A} multi-disciplinary survey Murthy, Sreerama K. 1998 Article
{A}utomatic extraction of music descriptors from acoustic signals using EDS Zils, A. and Pachet, F. 2004 Inproceedings
{A}utomatische {W}issensakquisition aus {T}exten Ulrich Reimer and Klaus Pohl 1991 Article
{A}utomatische Kategorisierung von {V}olltexten unter {A}nwendung von {NLP}-{T}echniken Schewe, Sandra 1997 Mastersthesis
{A}utomatische kognitive {D}iagnose in einem {P}rogrammier--{T}utor Gerhard Weber 1989 Inproceedings
{A}utomatischer {E}rwerb von linguistischem {W}issen: ein {A}nsatz zur {I}nferenz von {DATR}-{T}heorien Barg, Petra 1996 Book
{A}utomatisches {B}eweisen Wahlther, Christoph 1986 Inproceedings
{A}utomatisierte {M}erkmalsextraktion aus {A}udiodaten Mierswa, Ingo 2004 Mastersthesis
{A}utomatisierte {W}{W}{W}-{V}eroeffentlichung auf der {B}asis formaler {A}uszeichnungssprachen Mintert, Stefan 1999 Mastersthesis
{A}utonome {M}obile {R}oboter: {S}ensordateninterpretation und {W}eltmodellierung zur {N}avigation in unbekannter {U}mgebung) Knieriemen, Thomas 1991 Book
{ACT}, {PUPS} und {S}preading {A}ctivation Thomas Goseberg 1992 Incollection
{AI} Adventures Worth Writing Home About Miroslav Benda 1993 Inproceedings
{AI} in Medicine on its way from knowledge-intensive to data-intensive systems Werner Horn 2001 Article
{AI} Languages and {AI} Machines: An Overview H. Boley 1981 Inproceedings
{AI}, Multimedia, and Education Roger Schank and Glorianna Davenport and Patrizia Ghislandi and James Spohrer and Kathleen Wilson 1993 Inproceedings
{AI}--{NIE}! {V}ersuch über eine wahrscheinlich zukünftige {R}eaktion der Öffentlichkeit Trappl, R. 1986 Inproceedings
{ALEPS}: The Automated Logistics Element Planning System Rodney S. Daughtrey and David Michael Brady 1993 Inproceedings
{ALL} Formalizing Access-limited Reasoning J. M. Crawford and Benjamin Kuipers 1991 Incollection
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