
Titel Author Year Type
User-{D}efined {A}ggregates for {D}atamining Haixun Wang and Carlo Zaniolo 1999 Inproceedings
User Models and Dialog Models: United They Stand... Kobsa, A. 1988 Article
User Models and Conversational Settings -- Modelling the User's Wants Morik, Katharina 1987 Incollection
User Modelling, Dialog Structure, and Dialog Strategy in {HAM}-{ANS} Katharina Morik 1985 Article
Use of the Zero-Norm with Linear Models and Kernel Methods Weston, Jason and Elisseeff, André and Schölkopf, Bernhard and Tipping, Mike 2003 Article
Use of Geons for Generic 3{D} Object Recognition Sven J. Dickinson and Robert Bergevin and Irving Biederman and Jan--Olof Eklundh and Roger Munck--Fairwood and Alex Pentland 1993 Inproceedings
Use of a Domain Model to Drive An Interactive Knowledge-editing Tool Musen, M. A. and Fagan, L. M. and Combs, D. M. and Shortliffe, E. H. 1987 Article
URLChecker - ein Agent zur intelligenten, seiteninhaltsbasierten URL-Überprüfung Masloch, Andre 2003 Mastersthesis
Untersuchungen zur mehrsortigen Quantorenlogik Oberschelp, A. 1962 Article
Untersuchung und Entwicklung von Verfahren zum kooperativen Maschinellen Lernen in Multi-Agenten Systemen Michael Wurst 2001 Mastersthesis
UNtersuchungen von Lernverfahrten zur Unterstuetzung der Routenplanung fuer einen mobilen Roboter Horst Spandl 1992 Phdthesis
Unsupervised Learning of Relational Patterns Wei--Min Shen and Bing Leng 1996 Techreport
Unsupervised Discovery of Speech Segments Using Recurrent Networks Doutriaux, A. and Zipser, D. 1991 Incollection
Unsupervised discovery of scenario-level patterns for information extraction R. Yangarber and R. Grishman and P. Tapanaine and S. Huttunen 2000 Inproceedings
Unsupervised Discovery in an Operational Control Setting Silverman, B. and Hieb, M.R. and Mezher, M. T. 1991 Incollection
Unsolvable Problems Martin Davis 1977 Incollection
Universal Unification Siekmann, J.H. 1984 Inproceedings
Universal Subgoaling and Chunking Laird, J. E. and Rosenbloom, P. S. and Newell, A. 1986 Book
Universal Plans for Reactive Robots in Unpredictable Environments M. J. Schoppers 1987 Inproceedings
Unified Theories of Cognition Newell, A. 1990 Book
Unification of sets and multisets M. Livesy and J. Siekmann 1976 Techreport
Unfold and Fold Transformation of Logic Programs H. Tamaki and T. Sato 1984 Inproceedings
Understanding the Role of Negotiation in Distributed Search Among Heterogeneous Agents Susan E. Lander and Victor R. Lesser 1993 Inproceedings
Understanding the New SQL: A Complete Guide Jim Melton and Alan R. Simon 1993 Book
Understanding the Nature of Learning Michalski, Ryszard 1986 Incollection
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