
Titel Author Year Type
{AM}: Discovery in Mathematics as Heuristic Search Douglas B. Lenat 1982 Incollection
{AMORD}: Explicit Control of Reasoning de Kleer, Johan and Doyle, Jon and Guy, L. Steele and Sussman, Gerald Jay 1985 Incollection
{AMOS}: Basic Autonomy via Integrating Symbolic and Subsymbolic Mechanisms Christian Schlegel and Manfred Knick 1995 Incollection
{ANTLIMA} --- A Listener Model with Mental Images Jö R. J. Schirra and Eva Stopp 1993 Inproceedings
{ARC II}: A System for Inducing and Simplifying Dependence and Causal Dependence Relationships Pavillon, Gérard 1996 Inproceedings
{ART} Programming Primer, {ART} Version 1.1 Clayton, B.D. 1984 Book
{ASSISTANT 86}: A Knowledge-Elicitation Tool for Sophisticated Users Cestnik, Bojan and Kononenko, Igor and Bratko, Ivan 1987 Incollection
{ATLAST}: A three--level Language Analysis System R. Granger, K. Eiselt and J. Holbrook 1985 Inproceedings
{B}-{{L}}earn {{II}}: {D}eliverable 402 M. Kaiser and V. Klingspor and {J. del R.} Mill\'an and C. Moneta and K. Morik and A. Rieger 1993 Techreport
{B}eatles vs. {B}ach: {M}erkmalsextraktion im {P}hasenraum von {A}udiodaten Mierswa, Ingo 2003 Inproceedings
{B}egriffslernen für strukturierte {O}bjekte P. Geibel and K. Schädler and F. Wysotzki 1995 Article
{B}enutzergeführtes {L}ernen von {D}okument-{S}trukturauszeichnungen aus {F}ormatierungsmerkmalen Hüppe, Christian 2003 Mastersthesis
{B}enutzerunterstützung eines {KDD}-{P}rozesses anhand von {D}atencharackteristiken Theusinger, C. and Lindner, G. 1998 Inproceedings
{B}eyond {O}ccam's {R}azor: {P}rocess-{O}riented {E}valuation Pedro Domingos 2000 Incollection
{B}ildverstehen Neumann, B. 1982 Inproceedings
{B}ildverstehen und {K}ünstliche {I}ntelligenz B. Radig 1985 Inproceedings
{B}irch: A new data clustering algorithm and its applications Zhang, Thian and Ramakrishnan, Raghu and Livny, Miron 1997 Article
{B}oosting {A}pplied to {T}agging and {PP}-attachment S. Abney and R. E. Schapire and Y. Singer 1999 Inproceedings
{B}oosting {A}pplied to {W}ord {S}ense {D}isambiguation Gerard Escudero and Llu{\'i}s Màrquez and German Rigau 2000 Incollection
{B}oosting {C}ost-{S}ensitive {T}rees Kai Ming Ting and Zijian Zheng 1998 Inproceedings
{B}ootstrapping {G}rounded {W}ord {S}emantics Luc Steels and F. Kaplan 1999 Incollection
{B}uckman {L}aboratories {``}{W}ork {P}rofiles{''} {S}oftware {P}rogram Wilson, L.T. and Koskiniemi, M.S. 1998 Inproceedings
{B}uilding {ICU} {A}rtifact {D}etection {M}odels {W}ith {M}ore {D}ata in {L}ess {T}ime Tsien, Christine L. and Kohane, Isaac S. 2001 Inproceedings
{B}uilding an {I}ntellectual {C}apital {S}trategy at the {C}orporate {L}evel Seeman, P. 1998 Inproceedings
{B}uilding automated {G}eographical {A}nalysis Openshaw, S. 1998 Inbook
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