
Titel Author Year Type
Understanding Subsumption and Taxonomy: A Framework for Progress W. A. Woods 1991 Incollection
Understanding Subsumption and Taxonomy: A Framework for Progress W. A. Woods 1991 Incollection
Understanding Spoken Natural Language with Omni--Directional Information Flow Katashi Nagao and K^{o}iti Hasida and Takashi Miyata 1993 Inproceedings
Understanding of the Nature of Learning: Issues and Research Directions R. S. Michalski 1986 Incollection
Understanding object motion: Recognition, learning and spatiotemporal reasoning M. Mohnhaupt and B. Neumann 1992 Incollection
Understanding Natural Language Winograd, Terry 1992 Book
Understanding Computers and Cognition --- A New Foundation for Design Winograd, Terry 1986 Book
Understanding Complex Systems: What can the Speaking Lion Tell us? Erich Prem 1995 Incollection
Understanding and Implementing Successful Data Marts Douglas Hackney 1997 Book
Underlying Assumptions of Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning Katharina Morik 1991 Article
Uncertainty, belief, and probability R. F. Fagin and J. Y. Halpern 1991 Article
Uncertainty Modeling in Configuration Space for Robot Motion Planning L. Basañez and R. Suárez 1991 Inproceedings
Uncertainty In Graph-Based Map Learning Benjamin Kuipers and Richard Froom and Wan-Yik Lee and David Pierce 1993 Incollection
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 4 1990 Book
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 3 1989 Book
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 2 1988 Book
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 1986 Book
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 1991 Proceedings
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Kanal, Laveen N. and Levitt, Tod S. and Lemmer, John F. 1989 Book
Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Kanal, Laveen N. and Lemmer, John F. 1988 Book
Uncertain Evidence and Artifical Analysis Dempfster, A. P. and Kong, Augustine 1990 Incollection
Unbiasedness of Multiple Tests Gather, U. and Pawlitschko, J and Pigeot, I. 1996 Article
Unary inclusion dependencies have polynomial time inference problems P.C. Kanellakis and S. Cosmadakis and M.Y. Vardi 1983 Article
Unambiguous Determination of Velocity and Structure of an Accelerating Surface: A Theoretic Framework Jens Arnspang 1988 Inproceedings
UML-Based Ontology Modelling for Software Agents Stephen Cranefield and Stefan Haustein and Martin Purvis 2001 Inproceedings
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