
Titel Author Year Type
{B}üroeinrichtung mit {EXCEPT II} Ulrich Junker 1995 Inbook
{BDI} Agents: From Theory to Practice Anand S. Rao and Michael P. Georgeff 1995 Inproceedings
{BIRCH}: {A}n {E}fficient {D}ata {C}lustering {M}ethod for {V}ery {L}arge {D}atabases Zhang, Tian and Ramakrishnan, Raghu and Livny, Miron 1996 Inproceedings
{C4.5}: Programs for Machine Learning John Ross Quinlan 1993 Book
{C}all {C}enter {C}ase Cezary Chudzian and Janusz Granat and Wieslaw Traczyk 2003 Techreport
{C}an {A}nalytic {M}odels {S}upport {L}earning in {G}roups Hoppe, H. Ulrich and Ploetzner, Rolf 1999 Incollection
{C}ase {B}ased {R}easoning for {K}nowledge {M}anagement in KDD Projects Bartlmae, K. and Riemenschneider, M. 2000 Inproceedings
{C}ases as {K}nowledge {A}ssets Brigitte Bartsch-Spörl 1999 Inproceedings
{C}hallenges for {C}ase-{B}ased {R}easoning -- {P}roceedings of the {ICCBR}'99 {W}orkshops Sascha Schmitt and Ivo Vollrath 1999 Techreport
{C}hanges in {C}ategorisation as a {F}unction of {E}xpertise and {C}ontext in {E}lementary {M}echanics M.Teresa Bajo, Josè, J.Cañas, Pilar Gonzalvo and Carlos Gòmez-Ariza 1999 Incollection
{C}hoosing among competing generalizations Gebhardt, Friedrich 1991 Article
{C}lassification {A}nd {D}etection {O}f {C}omputer {I}ntrusions Kumar, Sandeeo 1995 Phdthesis
{C}linical {D}ata {A}cquisition: {W}hat and how? M. Imhoff 1998 Article
{C}linical performance of a rule-based decision support system for mechanical ventilation in {ARDS} patients G. E. Thomsen and D. Pope and T. D. East and A. H. Morris and A. T Kinder and D. A. Carlson and G. L. Smith and C. J. Wallace and J. F. Orme Jr and T. P. Clemmer 1993 Inproceedings
{C}losing the {L}oop in {ICU} {D}ecision {S}upport: {P}hysiologic {E}vent {D}etection, {A}lerts, and {D}ocumentation Norris, Patrick R. and Dawant, Benoit M. 2001 Inproceedings
{C}luster-{A}lgorithmen für {B}igramm-{K}lassenmodelle in der {M}odelliereung natürlicher {S}prache S. C. Martin and H. Ney 1995 Article
{C}lusteranalyse Steinhausen, Detlev and Langer, Klaus 1977 Book
{C}lusteranalyse Bacher, Johann 1996 Book
{C}lustered {P}artial {L}inear {R}egression Lu{\'i}s Torgo and Joaquim Pinto de Costa 2000 Incollection
{C}lustering {A}lgorithms Hartigan, J. 1975 Book
{C}lustering and {V}isualization of {L}arge {P}rotein {S}equence {D}atabases by {M}eans of an {E}xtension of the {S}elf-{O}rganizing {M}ap {S}omervuo, {P}aul and {K}ohonen, {T}euvo 2000 Inproceedings
{C}lustering by means of medoids Kaufmann, L. and Rousseeuw, P.J. 1997 Inbook
{C}ollaborative {C}oncept {E}xtraction from {D}ocuments Nakata, K. and Voss, A. and Juhnke, M. and Kreifelts, Th. 1998 Inproceedings
{C}ollaborative {F}iltering {T}o {L}ocate, {C}omprehend, and {O}rganize {C}ollections of {W}eb {S}ites Loren Terveen and Will Hill and Brian Amento 1998 Article
{C}ollaborative {L}earning -- {C}ognitive and {C}omputational {A}pproach 1999 Book
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