
Titel Author Year Type
UML Distilled. Applying the Standard Object Modelling Language M. Fowler and K. Scott 1997 Book
Ultraproducts for algebraists Paul C. Eklof 1977 Incollection
Überzeugungssysteme der {K}ünstlichen {I}ntelligenz. Validierung vor dem {H}intergrund linguistischer {T}heorien über implizite Äußerungen Katharina Morik 1982 Book
Übersicht Stefan Weß and Klaus-Dieter Althoff 1992 Incollection
Überprüfung in der multilingualen Textklassifikation Banken, Michael 2002 Mastersthesis
Über unnormale Vögel, anwendbare Regeln und einen Default-Beweiser Brewka, G. 1986 Inproceedings
Über ein {M}eta--{P}rinzip zur {E}xplikation von {K}ontrollwissen F. Mädler and H. Gust 1990 Inproceedings
Über die Repräsentation von dreidimensionalen natürlichen {O}bjekten H. S. Stiehl and H. Scharnweber 1986 Inproceedings
Über deduktive Theorien mit mehreren Sorten von Grunddingen Schmidt, A. 1938 Article
Types, Modules and Databases in the Logic Programming Language {PROTOS} Beierle, C. 1990 Inproceedings
Types of Monotonic Language Learning and Their Characterization Lange, Steffen and Zeugmann, Thomas 1992 Inproceedings
Types of Efficient Query Learning A. G. Hoffmann 1990 Inproceedings
Two Views of Motion: On Representing Move Events in a Language--Vision System Ellen M. Hays 1989 Inproceedings
Two views of belief: belief as generalized probability and belief as evidence J. Y. Halpern and R. Fagin 1992 Article
Two Steps defining a Federated System using {BACK}: Translation and Integration UPV 1991 Unpublished
Two Decades of Applied Kolmogorov Complexity Ming Li and Paul M.B. Vitanyi 1988 Techreport
Two Applications of Statistical Modelling to Natural Language Processing DuMouchel, William and Friedman, Carol and Hripcsak, George and Johnson, Stephen B. 1996 Incollection
Two Algorithms for Inducing Structural Equation Models from Data Cohen, Paul R. and Gregory, Dawn E. and Ballesteros, Lisa and Amant, Robert St. 1996 Incollection
Tutors, Instructions and Helps Möbus, Claus and Thole, Heinz--J. 1987 Inproceedings
Turning Yahoo to Automatic Web-Page Classifier Dunja Mladenic 1998 Inproceedings
Turning an Action Formalism into a Planner -- A Case Study Joachim Hertzberg 1994 Techreport
Trying to Explain a Creative Act: Studying Expressive Music Performance with Learning Machines Widmer, Gerhard 2002 Inproceedings
Truth and Modality for Knowledge Representation Turner, Raymond 1990 Book
Troubleshooting: When Modeling Is the Trouble Philippe Dague and Olivier Raiman and Philippe Devès 1990 Incollection
Tri-aural versus Conventional Sonar Localisation and Map Building W.D. Rencken and H Peremans and M. Möller 1995 Inproceedings
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