
Titel Author Year Type
Trellis Codes, Receptive Fields, and Fault Tolerant, Self--repairing Neural Networks Thomas Petsche and Bradley W. Dickinson 1993 Incollection
Tree Structured Interpretable Regression Lubinsky, David 1996 Incollection
Transportability and Generality in a Natural--Language Interface System Martin, Paul and Appelt, Douglas and Pereira, Fernando 1987 Incollection
Translating between {H}orn Representations and their Characteristic Models Khardon, Roni 1995 Article
Transitions in the Theoretical Foundation of Instructional Design Joost Lowyck and Jan Elen 1993 Incollection
Transition Network Grammars for Natural Language Analysis Woods, W. A. 1987 Incollection
Transforming Rules and Trees into Comprehensible Knowledge Structures Gaines, Brian R. 1996 Incollection
Transforming paper documents into {XML} format with {WISDOM}++ O. Altamura and F. Esposito and D. Malerba 2001 Article
Transforming Constraint Relaxation Networks into {B}oltzmann Machines Joachim Hertzberg and Hans Werner Guesgen 1991 Inproceedings
Transformation-Based Errordriven Learning and Natural Language Processing: A Case Study in Part of Speech-Tagging E. Brill 1995 Article
Transformation rules in concept learning Lasky, Robert E. and Kallio, Kenneth D. 1978 Article
Transferring Human Knowledge to Robots M. Kaiser and H. Friedrich 1995 Article
Transfer of Learning from a Constructivist Perspective Manfred Prenzel and Heinz Mandl 1993 Incollection
Transfer of Learning Across Compositions of Sequential Tasks S. P. Singh 1991 Inproceedings
Transfer of Knowledge between Systems: Use of Meta-Knowledge in Debugging Brazdil, P.B. 1989 Incollection
Transfer of Knowledge between Systems: A Common Approach to Teaching and Learning Brazdil, P.B. 1986 Inproceedings
Transfer in Machine translation by Non--Confluent Term--Rewrite Systems Wilhelm Weisweber 1989 Inproceedings
Transductive Learning of Drifting Concepts Klinkenberg, Ralf 2002 Techreport
Transductive Inference for Text Classification using Support Vector Machines Thorsten Joachims 1999 Inproceedings
Transcending inductive category formation in learning Roger C. Schank and Gregg C. Collins and Lawrence E. Hunter 1986 Article
Training a 3--Node Neural Network is {NP}--Complete Avrim L. Blum and R. L. Rivest 1993 Incollection
Tractable learning and planning in games P. Tadepalli 1990 Phdthesis
Tracking Drifting Concepts Using Random Examples Helmbold, David P. and Long, Philip M. 1991 Inproceedings
Tracking Drifting Concepts By Minimizing Disagreements Helmbold, David P. and Long, Philip M. 1994 Article
Tracing the Development of Models in the Philosophy of Science Daniela M. Bailer-Jones 1999 Inproceedings
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