
Titel Author Year Type
{C}ontext {F}ramework - an {O}pen {A}pproach to {E}nhance {O}rganisational {M}emory {S}ystems with {C}ontext {M}odelling {T}echniques Klemke, R. 2000 Incollection
{C}ooperative {I}nformation {A}gents {IV} -- {T}he {F}uture of {I}nformation {A}gents in {C}yberspace 2000 Proceedings
{C}ooperative {S}upport for {O}ffice {W}ork in the {I}nsurance {B}usiness Margelisch, A. and Reimer, U. and Staudt, M. and Vetterli, T. 1999 Techreport
{C}ost--{S}ensitive {L}earning by {C}ost--{P}roportionate {E}xample {W}eighting Zadrozny, Bianca and Langford, John and Naoki, Abe 2003 Inproceedings
{C}reek - {E}in wissensintensiver, integrierter {A}nsatz zum {P}roblemlösen und {S}ustained {L}earning Thomas Wirz 1992 Incollection
{CAM--BRAIN: ATR's} Billion Neuron Artificial Brain Project De Garis, Hugo 1996 Incollection
{CAN}: Chain of Nodes Approach for Direct Rule Induction A. M. Kabakcioglu 1995 Article
{CHEF}, ein {F}allbasiertes {P}lanungssystem Stefan Jörger 1992 Incollection
{CLASSIKA} A Knowledge Acquisition System Facilitating the Formalization of Advanced Aspects in Heuristic Classification Ute Gappa 1988 Inproceedings
{CLIP}: Concept Learning from Inference Patterns Yoshida, Kenichi and Motoda, Hiroshi 1995 Article
{CLP}({$\cal A\cal D$}) as a Deductive Database language with Updates E. Bertino and M. Martelli and D. Montesi 1992 Incollection
{COLLAGEN}: When Agents Collaborate with People Charles Richt and Candace L. Sidner 1998 Incollection
{COMA}---{A} {S}ystem for {F}lexible {C}ombination of {S}chema {M}atching {A}pproaches Hong-Hai Do and Erhard Rahm 2002 Inproceedings
{COMODEL}: ein {R}epräsentationsformalismus für technische {E}xpertensysteme J. Kippe 1986 Inproceedings
{CORA} - A Knowledge-Based System for the Analysis of Case-Control Studies Ursula Robers 1996 Techreport
{CORA} -- {A} knowledge-based system for the analysis of case-control studies K.Morik and I.Pigeot and U.Robers 1999 Article
{CORA} -- Benutzerhandbuch Pigeot, I. and Robers, U. and Sondhauß, U. 1995 Manual
{CRYSTAL}: Inducing a Conceptual Dictionary Stephen Soderland and David Fisher and Jonathan Aseltine and Wendy Lehnert 1995 Inproceedings
{CUSUM} control schemes for {G}aussian processes W. Schmid 1997 Article
{D}arstellung von {A}ktionen in {V}ererbungshierarchien Christel Kemke 1988 Inproceedings
{D}as {E}inführen neuer Prädikate in der Induktiven Logischen {P}rogrammierung Irene Stahl 1995 Phdthesis
{D}as {S}ystem {Z}ORA --- {W}issenbasierte {G}enerierung von {Z}eigegesten Jürgen Jung and Axel Kresse and Norbert Reithinger and Ralph Schäfer 1989 Inproceedings
{D}ata {M}ining and {K}nowledge {D}iscovery: {A} {R}eview of {I}ssues and a {M}ultistrategy Approach Michalski, R.S. and Kaufman, K.A. 1998 Incollection
{D}ata {M}ining und {W}issensentdeckung in {D}atenbanken Wrobel, Stefan 1998 Article
{D}ata mining: {R}esearch trends, challenges, and applications, in {R}oughs {S}ets and {D}ata {M}ining: {A}nalysis of {I}mprecise {D}ata Deogun, Jitender S. and Raghavan, V. and Sarkar, V. and Sever, H. 1997 Inbook
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