
Titel Author Year Type
Hill-Climbing Theories of Learning Pat Langley and J.H. Gennari and W. Iba June 1987 Inproceedings
Conceptual Clustering, Learning from Examples, and Inference Fisher, Douglas H. June 1987 Inproceedings
More Robust Concept Learning Using Dynamically Variable Bias Larry Rendell and Raj Seshu and David Tcheng June 1987 Inproceedings
Learning about speech sounds: The {NEXUS} Project Gary Bradshaw June 1987 Inproceedings
A Critique of Pure Reason Drew V. McDermott June 1986 Techreport
Development of a Contextual Concept Learning Framework: A Summary of Current Research Richard M. Keller June 1985 Inproceedings
Neural Modeling as One Approach to Machine Learning Greg Hood June 1985 Inproceedings
Learning Concepts with a Prototype-Based Model for Concept Representation - A Research Summary Donna J. Nagel June 1985 Inproceedings
Using and Revising Learned Concept Models: A Research Proposal Bruce W. Porter June 1985 Inproceedings
A Proposed Method of Conceptual Clustering for Structured and Decomposable Objects Douglas Fisher June 1985 Inproceedings
Components of Learning in a Reactive Environment Pat Langley and Dennis Kibler and Richard Granger June 1985 Inproceedings
Functional Properties and Concept Formation J. Daniel Easterlin June 1985 Inproceedings
Abstraction by Time-Scale in Qualitative Simulation Benjamin Kuipers July 1987 Inproceedings
The Role of Theories in Conceptual Coherence Gregory L. Murphy and Douglas L. Medin July 1985 Article
The User's Guide to the {BACK} System C. Peltason and K. von Luck and B. Nebel and A. Schmiedel January 1987 Techreport
The Anatomy of the {BACK} System K. von Luck and B. Nebel and C. Peltason and A. Schmiedel January 1987 Techreport
{MOLE}: A Tenacious Knowledge Acquisition Tool Eshelman, L. and Ehret, D. and McDermott, J. and Tan, M. January 1987 Article
{INDUCE 2}: A Program for Learning Structural Descriptions from Examples William A. Hoff and Ryszard S. Michalski and Robert E. Stepp January 1983 Techreport
The Knowledge Acquisition Grid: a Method for Training Knowledge Engineers LaFrance, Marianne February 1987 Article
Daydreaming and Computation: A Computer Model of Everyday Creativity, Learning, and Emotions in the Human Stream of Thought Erik T. Mueller February 1987 Techreport
{KIT-CORE-PROLOG} Description Version 1.0 Oliver Bittkau and Christian Haider and Jörg-Uwe Kietz February 1987 Techreport
Concepts in Conceptual Clustering Robert E. Stepp August 1987 Inproceedings
Taming Intractible Branching in Qualitative Simulation Benjamin Kuipers and Charles Chiu August 1987 Inproceedings
Generating Predictions to Aid the Scientific Discovery Process Randy Jones August 1986 Inproceedings
{STAHLp}: Belief Revision in Scientific Discovery Donald Rose and Pat Langley August 1986 Inproceedings
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