
Titel Author Year Type
2 years clinical experience with a clinical informationsystem on a surgical {ICU} M. Imhoff and J. H. Lehner and D. Löhlein 1994 Inproceedings
2. Arbeitstreffen der Fachgruppe Maschinelles Lernen 1989 Misc
3 years clinical use of the {S}iemens {E}mtek {S}ystem 2000: {E}fforts and {B}enefits M. Imhoff 1996 Article
3--D Object Reconstruction Using Stereo and Motion E. Grosso and G. Sandini and M. Tistarelli 1991 Incollection
3--D Vision Techniques for Autonomous Vehicles M. Hebert and T. Kanade and I. Kweon 1991 Incollection
3-D Shape Recovery Using Distributed Aspect Matching S. J. Dickinson and A. P. Pentland and A. Rosenfeld 1992 Article
5. Frühjahrsschule für Künstliche Intelligenz KIFS--87 1987 Proceedings
7. Frühjahrsschule für Künstliche Intelligenz KIFS--89 1989 Proceedings
``{D}'' in {NLP}: {D}eterminers, {D}escriptions, and the dialog {M}emory in the {XTRA} Project Carola Reddig 1988 Inproceedings
{$H_2O-OC1$} --- ein {V}erfahren zur Erzeugung nichtlinearer Entscheidungsbäume A. Ittner and M. Schlosser 1995 Article
{'Bitter Pills'} - A Case Study in Knowledge Representation A. Schmiedel and C. Peltason and B. Nebel and K. von Luck August 1986 Techreport
{\sc {CA}b{P}lan} -- fallbasierte {A}rbeitsplanung Jürgen Paulokat and Reinhard Praeger and Stefan Weß 1992 Incollection
{A} {B}ibliographical {G}uide to {S}elf-{S}imilar {T}raffic and {P}erformance {M}odeling for {M}odern {H}igh-{S}peed {N}etworks Willinger, W. and Taqqu, M. S. and Erramilli, A. 1996 Article
{A} {C}ommitment-{B}ased {A}pproach to {A}gent {S}peech {A}cts and {C}onversations Marco Colombetti 2000 Incollection
{A} {C}omparison of {O}{I}{M} with {C}{W}{M} Vetterli, Thomas 1999 Techreport
{A} {C}omparison of {R}anking {M}ethods for {C}lassification {A}lgorith {S}election Pavel B. Bradzil and Carlos Soares 2000 Incollection
{A} {C}omprehensive {S}urvey of {E}volutionary-{B}ased {M}ultiobjective {O}ptimization {T}echniques Coello, Carlos A. Coello 1999 Article
{A} {D}iscrete {S}tochastic {N}eural {N}etwork {A}lgorithm for {C}onstraint {S}atisfacion {P}roblems Adorf, H.D. and Johnston, M.D. 1990 Inproceedings
{A} {D}istance-based {A}ttribute {S}election {M}easure for {D}ecision {T}ree {I}nduction López de Mantaras 1991 Article
{A} {F}lexible {P}latform for {K}nowledge {D}iscovery {E}xperiments: {YALE} -- {Y}et {A}nother {L}earning {E}nvironment Mierswa, Ingo and Klinkberg, Ralf and Fischer, Simon and Ritthoff, Oliver 2003 Inproceedings
{A} {F}ramework for {C}haracterizing {K}nowledge {M}anagement {M}ethods, {P}ractices, and {T}echnologies Newman, B. D. and Conrad, K. W. 2000 Incollection
{A} {F}ramework to {C}reate {P}erformance {I}ndicators in {K}nowledge {M}anagement Roy, R. and del Rey, F. M. and van Wegen, B. and Steele, A. 2000 Incollection
{A} {F}ull-{T}ext {R}etrieval {A}pproach to {C}ontent-{B}ased {A}udio {I}dentification Ribbrock, A. and Kurth, F. 2002 Inproceedings
{A} {M}achine {L}earning {A}pproach to {W}orkflow-{M}anagement Joachim Herbst 2000 Incollection
{A} {M}ulti-{A}gent {S}ystem to {S}upport {E}xploiting an {X}{M}{L}-based {C}orporate {M}emory Gandon, F. and Dieng, R. and Corby, O. and Giborin, A. 2000 Incollection
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