
Titel Author Year Type
Towards the Integration of Functions, Relations and Types in an {AI} Programming Language R. Backofen and L. Euler and G. Görz 1990 Inproceedings
Towards Structured Production Systems --- Efficient Implementation of Meta--Level Architectures Michael Beetz and Winfried Barth 1989 Inproceedings
Towards Structural Logistic Regression: Combining Relational and Statistical Learning Popescul, Alexandrin and Ungar, Lyle H. and Lawrence, Steve and Pennock, David M. 2002 Inproceedings
Towards Solving the Multiple Extension Problem: Combining Defaults and Probability Neufeld, E. and Poole, D. 1989 Incollection
Towards Process-Oriented Tool Support for KDD R. Wirth and C. Shearer and U. Grimmer and Th. Reinartz and J. Schlösser and Chr. Breitner and R. Engels and G. Lindner 1997 Inproceedings
Towards Principles of Ontology Helmut Horacek 1989 Inproceedings
Towards Principles for the Design of Ontologies Used for Knowledge Sharing T. R. Gruber 1993 Inproceedings
Towards Learning Robots Walter Van de Velde 1992 Book
Towards Layered Dialogical Agents Pablo Noriega and Carles Sierra 1997 Inproceedings
Towards Knowledge-Level Analysis of Motion Planning Ronen I. Brafman and Jean-Claude Latombe and Yoav Shoham 1993 Inproceedings
Towards knowledge-based retrieval of medical images. The role of semantic indexing, image content representation and knowledge-based retrieval Lowe, H. and Antipov, I. and Hersh, W. and Smith, C. Arno 1998 Inproceedings
Towards Generating Patient Specific Summaries of Medical Articles Noemie Elhadad and Kathleen R. McKeown 2001 Inproceedings
Towards friendly concept-learners DeRaedt, L. and Bruynooghe, M. 1989 Inproceedings
Towards Flexible Teamwork Tambe, Milind 1997 Article
Towards Finding the Reasons behind -- Generating the Content of Explanation Helmut Horacek 1991 Inproceedings
Towards Explicit Integration of Knowledge in Expert Systems An Analysis of {MYCIN's} Therapy Selection Algorithm Mostow, J. and Swartout, B. 1986 Inproceedings
Towards Efficient Inductive Synthesis: Rapid Construction of Local Regularities Janis Barzdins and Guntis Barydins 1991 Incollection
Towards Concept Formation Grounded on Perception and Action of an Autonomus Mobile Robot Volker Klingspor and Katharina Morik 1999 Incollection
Towards Concept Formation Grounded on Perception and Action of an Autonomous Mobile Robot Volker Klingspor and Katharina Morik 1994 Inproceedings
Towards Concept Formation Grounded on Perception and Action of a Mobile Robot Volker Klingspor and Katharina Morik 1995 Inproceedings
Towards collaborative and adversarial learning: a case study in robotic soccer P. Stone and M. Veloso 1998 Article
Towards an integrated logic of space, time, and motion Antony Galton 1993 Inproceedings
Towards a Theory of Simultaneous Actions Gerd Große and Richard Waldinger 1991 Inproceedings
Towards a Theory of Emergent Functionality Luc Steels 1991 Inproceedings
Towards a Socio-Cultural Compatibility of MIR Systems Stephan Baumann and Tim Pohle and Vembu Shankar 2004 Inproceedings
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