
Titel Author Year Type
{D}ata mining: an overview from a database perspective Chen, Ming-Syan and Han, Jiawei and Yu, Philip S. 1996 Article
{D}atabase {T}echniques for the {W}orld-{W}ide {W}eb: {A} {S}urvey Florescu, Daniela and Levy, Alon and Mendelzon, Alberto 1998 Article
{D}ataset {F}iltering {T}echniques in {C}onstraint-{B}ased {F}requent {P}attern {S}equences Marek Wojciechowski and Maciej Zarcewicz 2002 Inproceedings
{D}atengesteuertes {L}ernen von syntaktischen {E}inschränkungen des {H}ypothesenraums für modellbasiertes {L}ernen Marcus Lübbe 1995 Techreport
{D}eduktionsverfahren Bibel, W. 1982 Inproceedings
{D}er {C}ase-{M}emory {A}nsatz Harald Holz 1992 Incollection
{D}erivational {A}nalogy {I}m {D}esign Andreas Epping 1992 Incollection
{D}eriving {HPSG} {L}exical {E}ntries from a {N}atural {L}anguage {D}ictionary Martin Hoelter 1996 Incollection
{D}escription of the {M}4 {I}nterface used by the {H}{C}{I} of {W}{P}12 Bert Laverman and Olaf Rem 2002 Techreport
{D}esign von {B}üroeinrichtungen mit neuronalen {N}etzen und {M}arkovschen {F}eldern Gerhard Paaß 1995 Inbook
{D}esigning and building a {N}egotiating {A}utomated {A}gent Sarit Kraus and Daniel Lehmann 1995 Article
{D}evelopment and {E}valuation of {C}lustering {T}echniques for {F}inding {P}eople Dunlop. M. D. 2000 Incollection
{D}ialogstrukturen in {G}ruppendiskussionen: {E}in {M}odell für argumentative {V}erhandlungen mehrerer Agenten Udo Hahn 1989 Inproceedings
{D}ie {B}ehandlung von sematisch unvollständigen {A}nfragen in einer transportablen natürlichsprachlichen {D}atenbank--{S}chnittstelle J. Noack 1990 Inproceedings
{D}ie {K}ategorie des {G}ebiets und ihre {W}irkung auf {H}immelsrichtungen Cao, Y. 1990 Inproceedings
{D}ie {M}acht der {C}omputer und die {O}hnmacht der {V}ernunft Joseph Weizenbaum 1978 Book
{D}imension der Inferenz --- Die andere {B}asis wissensbasierter {S}ysteme Wolfgang Bibel 1995 Inbook
{D}imensionality {R}eduction through {S}ub-space {M}apping for {N}earest {N}eighbour {A}lgorithms Terry R. Payne and Peter Edwards 2000 Incollection
{D}iscovering {S}imilar {P}atterns for {C}haracterising {T}ime {S}eries in a {M}edical {D}omain Alonso, Fernando and Cara{ç}a-Valente, Juan P. and Mart{\'{i}}nez, Lo{\"i}c and Montes, Cesar 2001 Inproceedings
{D}iscovery of {F}requent {DATALOG} {P}atterns Luc Dehaspe and Hannu Toivonen 1999 Article
{D}iscovery of {W}eb {C}ommunities {B}ased on the {C}o-occurrence of {R}eferences {M}urata, {T}suyoshi 2000 Inproceedings
{D}iscretization and {G}rouping operators Petr Berka 2002 Techreport
{D}istance induction in first order logic Sebag, M. 1997 Inproceedings
{D}istributed {C}ontrol {A}lgorithms for {AI} Gerard Tel 1999 Incollection
{D}istributed {M}odels for {D}ecision {S}upport Jose Cuena and Sascha Ossowski 1999 Incollection
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