
Titel Author Year Type
Top-Down Query Evaluation for Well-Founded Semantics with Explicit Negation Alferes, J.J. and Damasio, C. and Pereira, L 1994 Inproceedings
Top-Down Pruning in Relational Learning Johannes F\"urnkranz 1994 Techreport
Tools for Constructivism Randy A. Knuth and Donald J. Cunningham 1993 Incollection
Tool--Bases Knowledge Acquisition Christopher R. Westphal and Karen L. McGraw 1990 Incollection
Too Much Information can be Too Much for Learning Efficiently Wiehagen, Rolf and Zeugmann, Thomas 1992 Inproceedings
To Learn or Not to Learn Anupam Joshi 1996 Inproceedings
To Be or Not to Be an Agent Cristiano Castelfranchi 1997 Inproceedings
TIPSTER-SUMMAC Summarization Evaluation. Proceedings of the TIPSTER Text Phase III Workshop 1998 Proceedings
Time-Series Similarity Problems and Well-Separated Geometric Sets Bela Bollobas and Gautam Das and Dimitrios Gunopulos and Heikki Mannila 1997 Inproceedings
Time-Frequency Distributions - A Review Cohen, Leon 1989 Article
Time-effect relations of medical interventions in a clinical information system M. Imhoff and M. Bauer and U. Gather 1999 Inproceedings
Time, Knowledge, and Choice M. Wooldridge 1996 Incollection
Time Series Analysis in Intensive Care Medicine Michael Imhoff and Markus Bauer and Ursula Gather and D. Löhlein 1997 Article
Time Granularities in Databases, Data Mining, and Temporal Reasoning Claudio Bettini and Sushil Jajodia and Sean Wang 2000 Book
Time and modality Arthur N. Prior 1957 Book
Three-valued nonmonotonic formalsims and semantics of logic programs T. Przymusinski 1991 Article
Three--Dimensional Object Recognition L. Matthies and A. Elfes 1991 Incollection
Three multiple comparison procedures for trimmed means Wilcox, R. R. 1995 Article
Three Levels of Goal Orientation in Learning Ng, Evelyn and Bereiter, Carl 1995 Incollection
Third-Generation Data Base System Manifesto {The Committee for Advanced DBMS Function} 1990 Techreport
Thinking in Java Eckel, Bruce 1998 Book
There Is One Classification System with a Long Developmental History Neimark, Edith D. 1983 Incollection
Theory-Based Inductive Learning: An Integration of Symbolic and Quantitative Methods S. Star 1989 Inbook
Theory--Based Inductive Learning: An Integration of Symbolic and Quantitative Methods Star, S. 1989 Incollection
Theory Revision by Analyzing Explanations and Prototypes Matwin, Stan and Plante, Boris 1994 Incollection
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