
Titel Author Year Type
Theory Restructuring: Coarse-grained Integration of Strategies for Induction and Maintenance of Knowledge Bases Sommer, Edgar 1996 Incollection
Theory Restructuring: Coarse--grained Integration of Strategies for Induction & Maintenance of Knowledge Bases Sommer, Edgar 1996 Unpublished
Theory Restructuring: A Perspective on Design and Maintenance of Knowledge Based Systems Edgar Sommer 1996 Phdthesis
Theory Restructering: A Perspective on Design & Maintenance of {K}nowledge {B}ased {S}ystems Sommer, Edgar 1996 Phdthesis
Theory of Support Vector Machines Stitson, M. O. and Weston, J. A. E. and Gammerman, A. and Vovk, V. and Vapnik, V. 1996 Techreport
Theory Formation by Abduction: A Case Study Based on the Chemical Revolution Paul O'Rorke and Steven Morris and David Schulenburg 1990 Incollection
Theory Diagnoses: A Concisse Characterization of Faulty Systems Gerhard Friedrich 1993 Inproceedings
Theory Completion Using Knowledge-based Learning Whitehall, Bradley L. and Lu, Stephen C-Y. 1994 Incollection
Theory Change via Application in Instructionless Learning Shrager, J. 1986 Article
Theories, Models, and Representations Mauricio Suárez 1999 Inproceedings
Theories of Probability: An Examination of Foundations Terence L. Fine 1972 Book
Theories of finite type related to mathematical practice Solomon Feferman 1977 Incollection
Theories of child development Baldwin, A. L. 1980 Book
Theories of Causal Ordering: Reply to de {K}leer and {B}rown Yumi Iwasaki and Herbert A. Simon 1990 Incollection
Theories for Mutagenicity: A Study in First--Order and Feature--Based Induction Srinivasan, A. and Muggleton, S.H. and Sternberg, M.J.E. and King, R.D. 1995 Article
Theories and concept formation Gregory L. Murphy 1993 Incollection
Theorie der Zeichenerkennung Wapnik, W. and Tscherwonenkis, A. 1979 Book
Theorie der Verbände Gericke, H. 1963 Book
Theoretische Informatik Ingo Wegener 1993 Book
Theoretical Views of Boosting and Applications Robert E. Shapire 1999 Inproceedings
Theoretical Model of Learning to Learn J. Baxter 1997 Article
Theoretical Aspects of Evolutionary Algorithms Wegener, I. 2001 Inproceedings
Theores of Causal Ordering Johan de Kleer 1990 Incollection
Theorem Proving with Abstraction Plaisted, D. 1981 Article
The Wrapper Approach Kohavi, Ron and John, George H. 1998 Incollection
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