
Titel Author Year Type
{E}pisodisches {W}issen, {S}cripts {&} {D}ynamic {M}emory Chalie Feichtinger 1992 Incollection
{E}rkennung von 3--{D} {O}bjekten im {N}adeldiagramm mithilfe von {K}onsistenzbedingungen X. Y. Jianga and H. Bunke 1990 Inproceedings
{E}rror {A}nalysis of {A}utomatic {S}peed {R}ecognition {U}sing {P}rincipal {D}irection {D}ivisive {P}artitioning David McKoskey and Daniel Boley 2000 Incollection
{E}rror--{B}ased and {E}ntropy--{B}ased {D}iscretization of {C}ontinuous {F}eatures Kohavi, Ron and Sahami, Mehran 1996 Inproceedings
{E}rschließen impliziter {I}nformation aus zeitlich parametrisierten {W}irtschaftsdaten in einem {F}ramemodell F. Glasen 1990 Inproceedings
{E}rweiterung des EMILE-Verfahrens zum induktiven {L}ernen von kontextfreien {G}rammatiken für natürliche {S}prache Dörnenburg, Erik 1997 Mastersthesis
{E}rweiterung von {COBWEB/CLASSIST} zur {B}ehandlung von zeitveränderlichen {D}aten Wermeckes, Thorsten 1996 Mastersthesis
{E}valuating {T}ext {C}ategorization Lewis, D. D. 1991 Inproceedings
{E}valuation of the {M}anagement of {K}nowledge in {C}ardiovascular {P}erfusion Lindsay, J. and Struck, T. and Baber, C. 1998 Inproceedings
{E}valuation report by {N}{I}{T} Janusz Granat and Wieslaw Traczyk and Cezary Chudzian 2003 Techreport
{E}valuation von {G}rammatiken für die {A}nalyse natürlicher {S}prache durch {G}enerierung einer repräsentativen {S}atzmenge Karl Gregor Erbach and Roman Georg Arens 1991 Inproceedings
{E}vent detection from time series data Valery Guralnik and Jaideep Srivastava 1999 Inproceedings
{E}volution of {C}ommunication in {A}rtificial {O}rganisms G. Werner and M. Dyer 1991 Incollection
{E}volutionary computation: {C}omments on the history and current state Bäck, T. and Hammel, U. and Schwefel, H.-P. 1997 Article
{E}volving {A}rtificial {N}eural {N}etworks Yao, Xin 1999 Misc
{E}xpansion von {E}reignis--{P}ropositionen zur {V}isualisierung J. R. Schirra 1990 Inproceedings
{E}xperience-{B}ased {K}nowledge {M}anagement: {H}ow to {C}apitalize on {F}ailures and {M}issed {O}pportunities Jarke, M. 1998 Inproceedings
{E}xperimentelle {A}nalyse zweier logik--basierter {L}ernverfahren Guido Lindner and Ursula Robers 1994 Inproceedings
{E}xpertensysteme Raulefs, P. 1982 Inproceedings
{E}xploiting {C}lassifier {C}ombination for {E}arly {M}elanoma {D}iagnosis {S}uppor E. Blanzieri and C. Eccher and S. Forti and A. Sboner 2000 Incollection
{E}xtending {N}a{\"i}ve {B}ayes {C}lassifiers {U}sing {L}ong {I}temsets Dimitris Meretakis and Beat Wüthrich 1999 Inproceedings
{E}xtensions of {L}ogic {P}rogramming 1991 Proceedings
{E}xtracting {S}emistructured {I}nformation from the {W}eb Hammer, Joachim and Garcia-Molina, Hector and Cho, Junghoo and Crespo, Arturo and Aranha, Rohan 1997 Inproceedings
{E}xtraktion rekurrenter {T}extmuster aus {T}extkorpora Lothar Lemnitzer 1996 Incollection
{EDM}: A General Framework for Data Mining based on Evidence Theory Anand, Sarabjot S. and Bell, David A. and Hughes, John G. 1996 Article
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