
Titel Author Year Type
The word associations of young children Entwistle, D. R. 1966 Book
The Vienna School of Terminology Fundamentals and its Theory Felber, H. 1981 Incollection
The VC-Dimension vs. the Statistical Capacity for Two LAyer Networks with Binary Weights Ch. Ji and D. Psaltis 1991 Inproceedings
The VC--Dimension of Subclasses of Pattern Languages Andrew Mitchell, Tobias Scheffer, Arun Sharma, and Frank Stephan 1999 Inproceedings
The utility of theories in intuitive statistics: the robustness of theory-based judgments Wright, J. C. and Murphy, G. L. 1984 Article
The Utility of Similarity--based Learning in a World Needing Explanation Lebowitz, Michael 1990 Incollection
The Utility of Knowledge in Inductive Learning M.J. Pazzani and D. Kibler 1992 Article
The uses of plans M. Pollack 1992 Article
The User's Guide to the {BACK} System C. Peltason and K. von Luck and B. Nebel and A. Schmiedel January 1987 Techreport
The use of statistics in Semantic Query Optimization Ayla Sayli and Barry Lowden 1996 Inproceedings
The use of phrases and structured queries in information retrieval Croft, W. Bruce and Turtle, Howard R. and Lewis, David D. 1991 Inproceedings
The Use of Inductive Logic Programming for the Development of the Statistical Software Tool CORA Katharina Morik, Iris Pigeot, Ursula Robers 1997 Inproceedings
The Use of Explicit Goals for Knowledge to Guide Inference and Learning Ashwin Ram and Lawrence Hunter 1995 Incollection
The Use of Background Knowledge in Decision Tree Induction Núñez, Marlon 1991 Article
The Use of Aggregation in Causal Simulation Daniels S. Weld 1990 Incollection
The Ubiquitous B-Tree D. Comer 1979 Article
The type free lambda calculus Henk Barendregt 1977 Incollection
The Trade--Off between Knowledge and Data in Knowledge Acquisition Gaines, B. R. 1991 Incollection
The Tractability of Path--based Inheritance Bart Selman and Hector J. Levesque 1991 Incollection
The Threshold of Cooperation Among Adaptive Agents: Pavlov and the Stag Hunt David Kraines and Vivian Kraines 1997 Inproceedings
The Theory of Data Dependencies - An Overview Ronald Fagin and Moshe Y. Vardi 1984 Inproceedings
The Test Incorporation Theory of Problem Solving Diettrich, T.G. and Bennett, J.S. 1986 Inproceedings
The Terminology of Machine Learning Pat Langley 1986 Article
The Synthesis of Digital Machines with Provabable Epistemic Properties S. J. Rosenschein and L. P. Kaelbling 1986 Inproceedings
The syntagmatic--paradigmatic shift revisited: A review of research and theory Nelson, Katherine 1977 Article
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