
Titel Author Year Type
The Synergy of Music Theory and AI: Learning Multi-Level Expressive Interpretation Gerhard Widmer 1994 Techreport
The Symbolic Worldview: Reply to Vera and Simon Philip E. Agre 1993 Article
The Symbol Grounding Problem Harnad, Stevan 1990 Article
The Symbol Grounding Problem Harnad, Stevan 1989 Booklet
The Sum--and--Lattice--Points Method Based on an Evidential Reasoning System Applied to the Real--Time Vehicle Guidance Problem Abel, S. 1988 Incollection
The Structure-Mapping Engine - Algorithmen and Examples Falkenhainer, B. and Forbus, K.D. and Genter, D. 1987 Techreport
The Structure of the Relational Database Model J. Paredaens and P. de Bra and M. Gyssens and D. van Gucht 1989 Book
The Strength of Weak Learnability Robert E. Schapire 1990 Article
The Statistical Learning of Accurate Heurisitics Anna Bramati-Gregor and Henri Davis 1993 Inproceedings
The State of the Art in Text Filtering Douglas W. Oard 1997 Article
The Stanford Cart and the {CMU} Rover H. P. Moravec 1991 Incollection
The special structure of expertise Marianne LaFrance 1990 Incollection
The Special--Mechanisms Debate in Speech Research: Categorization Test on Animals and Infants Kuhl, Patricia K. 1987 Incollection
The SkyBlue Constraint Solver Sanella, M. 1992 Techreport
The SGML Handbook Charles Goldfarb 1990 Book
The Semantic Hierarchy in Robot Learning Benjamin Kuipers and Richard Froom and Wan-Yik Lee and David Pierce 1993 Incollection
The Semantic Clause Graph Procedure -- A First Overview H. J. Ohlbach 1986 Inproceedings
The Second Self. Computers and the Human Spirit Turkle, Sherry 1984 Book
The Second Naive Physics Manifesto Patrick J. Hayes 1990 Incollection
The Second Naive Physics Manifesto Hayes, Patrick. J. 1985 Incollection
The Search for Regularities: Four Aspects of Scientific Discovery P. Langley and J. M. Zytkow and H. A. Simon and G. L. Bradshaw 1986 Incollection
The Scheme of Posidonius- Using Taxonomic Reasoning in Design Peltason, C. 1987 Techreport
The Schema Mechanism Gary L. Drescher 1993 Incollection
The Rule--Based Systems Project: Using Confirmation Theory and Non--Monotoning Logics for Incremental Learning D. Gabbay and D. Gillies and A. Hunter and S. Muggleton and Y. Ng and B. Richards 1992 Incollection
The Role of Theories in Conceptual Coherence Gregory L. Murphy and Douglas L. Medin July 1985 Article
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