
Titel Author Year Type
{F}inding {S}tructure in {T}ime Elman, Jeffrey L. 1988 Article
{F}inding related pages in the {World Wide Web} Dean, Jeffrey and Henzinger, Monika R. 1999 Inproceedings
{F}inding the {M}ost {I}nteresting {P}atterns in a {D}atabase {Q}uickly by {U}sing {S}equential {S}ampling Tobias Scheffer and Stefan Wrobel 2002 Article
{F}inding the {M}ost {I}nteresting {P}atterns in a {D}atabase {Q}uickly by {U}sing {S}equential {S}ampling Tobias Scheffer and Stefan Wrobel 2001 Techreport
{F}lexible {K}ontrolle in {E}xpertensystemen zur {P}lanung und {K}onfigurierung in technischen {D}omänen Andreas Günter 1992 Book
{F}okusmodellierung durch {S}icht\-ab\-hän\-gig\-keits\-gra\-phen bei der {I}n\-ter\-pre\-ta\-tion na\-tür\-lich\-sprach\-li\-cher {D}a\-ten\-bank--{U}pdates Jörg Noack and Johannes Wings 1991 Inproceedings
{F}ormal {M}ethods in {DAI}: {L}ogic-{B}ased {R}epresentation and {R}easoning Munindar P. Singh and Anand S. Rao and Michael P. Georgeff 1999 Incollection
{F}ormal methods: {S}tate of the art and future directions Clarke, Edmund. M. and Wing, Jeanette. M. 1996 Techreport
{F}ormale und kognitive G{r}undlagen von {W}issensrepräsentationen Daniel Hernández and Bernhard Nebel and Gert Smolka and Ipke Wachsmuth 1989 Inproceedings
{F}oundations of {C}omputer {S}cience: {P}otential-{T}heory-{C}ognition Christian Freska and Matthias Jantzen and Rüdiger Falk 1997 Book
{F}rom {D}ata {M}ining to {K}nowledge {D}iscovery: {A}n Overview U. M. Fayyad and G. Piatetsky-Shapiro and P. Smyth 1996 Incollection
{F}ünf {T}hesen zum kognitiven {A}nspruch und der industriellen {R}elevanz {K}ünstlicher {I}ntelligenz Gerhard Heyer 1988 Inproceedings
{F}uzzy {M}ultiple {C}riteria {D}ecision {M}aking: {R}ecent {D}evelopments Carlsson, Christopher and Fuller, Robert 1996 Misc
{FAQ} {Finder} : A Case-Based Approach to Knowledge Navigation Hammond, Kristian and Burke, Robin and Martin, Charles and Lytinen, Steven 1995 Inproceedings
{FASTUS}: {A} Finite--state Processor for Information Extraction from Real--world Text Douglas E. Appelt and Jerry R. Hobbs and John Bear and David Israel and Mabry Tyson 1993 Inproceedings
{FIPA-OS} Nortelnetworks 1999 Misc
{FORK}: Ein {S}ystem zur objekt-- und regelorientierten {P}rogrammierung C. Beckstein and G. Görz and M. Tielemann 1986 Inproceedings
{FRESCO}: {E}ine {B}ankenapplikation als {T}estbed für die föderative {K}ooperation von {E}xpertensystemen Stefan Kirn and Gunther Schlageter 1991 Inproceedings
{G}en{R}ule - {L}ernen von abkürzungsorientiertem diagnostischen {P}roblemlösen Klaus-Dieter Althoff 1992 Incollection
{G}enerating {C}lassifier {C}ommittees by {S}tochastically {S}electing both {A}ttributes and {T}raining {E}xamples Zheng, Zijian Inproceedings
{G}enerating non-redundant association rules {M}ohammed {J}aveed {Z}aki 2000 Inproceedings
{G}enerierung mit {L}exical--{F}unctional {G}rammar ({LFG}) J. Meier and J. Kindermann 1986 Inproceedings
{G}enerierung struktureller {K}onzepte im {V}ersion--{S}pace T. Hoppe 1986 Inproceedings
{G}enetic {A}lgorithms in {T}imetabling and {S}cheduling Fang, Hsiao-Lan 1994 Misc
{G}enetic {P}rogramming: {O}n the programming of {C}omputers by {M}eans of {N}atural {S}election Koza, J.R. 1992 Book
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