
Titel Author Year Type
{G}eometric {R}ange {S}earching and {I}ts {R}elatives Agarwal, Pankaj K. and Erickson, Jeff 1999 Article
{G}lobale {A}npassung einer Wissensbasis an geänderte technologische {R}ahmenbedingungen Jürgen Herrmann 1995 Article
{G}rafiksuche und {G}estalt--{E}rkennung Peter Rome 1995 Inbook
{G}raphische {W}issensrepräsentation Ute Gappa 1991 Inproceedings
{G}renzen der {KI} Herbert Stoyan 1988 Inproceedings
{G}roupware and {C}omputer {S}upported {C}ooperative {W}ork Clarence Ellis and Jacques Wainer 1999 Incollection
{G}rundlagen sprachlicher {K}ommunikation: {M}ensch, {W}elt, {H}andeln, {S}prach, {C}omputer Lenke N., Lutz H.--D., Sprenger M. 1995 Book
{GEMINI}: An Integration of Analytical and Empirical Learning Danyluk, Andrea P. 1994 Incollection
{GermaNet} -- a Lexical-Semantic Net for {German} B. Hamp and H. Feldweg 1997 Inproceedings
{GeRReT} -- ein generisches {W}erkzeug zur {V}alidierung von {R}egelbasen aus der medizinischen {D}iagnostik J. Krems and J. Zerban 1990 Inproceedings
{GEST}: A Learning Computer Vision System That Recognizes Hand Gestures Segen, Jakub 1994 Incollection
{GLP}: A Linguistic Processor Görz, G. 1981 Inproceedings
{GOLOG}: {A} {L}ogic {P}rogramming {L}anguage for {D}ynamic {D}omains Hector J. Levesque and Raymond Reiter and Yves Lespérance and Fangzhen Lin and Richard B. Scherl 1997 Article
{GPS}: a Program that Simulates Human Thought A. Newell and H.A. Simon 1963 Incollection
{GRDT}: Enhancing Model--Based Learning for Its Application in Robot Navigation Volker Klingspor 1994 Techreport
{GRDT}: Enhancing Model-Based Learning for Its Application in Robot Navigation Volker Klingspor 1994 Inproceedings
{GRDT}: Enhancing Model-Based Learning for Its Application in Robot Navigation (extended abstract) Volker Klingspor 1994 Inproceedings
{GROW}: Graphik-orientierte Wissenspräsentation für {KL-ONE} Kindermann, C. and Quantz, J. 1988 Techreport
{GUS} A Frame Driven Dialog System Bobrow, D. and Kaplan, Ronald M. and Kay, Martin, Norman Donald A. and Thompson, H. and Winograd, Terry 1987 Incollection
{H}amburger {A}nsichten oder {E}in {P}roblem der {R}epräsentation räumlichen {W}issens Ch. Schlieder 1990 Inproceedings
{H}andbook of {K}nowledge {D}iscovery and {D}ata {M}ining Klösgen, Willi 2000 Inbook
{H}andbook of {K}nowledge {D}iscovery and {D}ata {M}ining Klösgen, Willi 2000 Inbook
{H}andbook of {K}nowledge {D}iscovery and {D}ata {M}ining Klösgen, Willi 2000 Inbook
{H}andling {C}ontinious-{V}alued {A}ttributes in {D}ecision {T}ree with {N}eural networks {M}odeling DaeEun Kim and Jaeho Lee 2000 Incollection
{H}äufigkeitsbasierte {M}erkmalsgenerierung für die {W}issensentdeckung in {D}atenbanken Köpcke, Hanna 2003 Mastersthesis
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