
Titel Author Year Type
{I}ndexing by {L}atent {S}emantic {A}nalysis Deerwester, Scott and Dumais, Susan T. and Furnas, George W. and Landauer, Thomas K. and Harshman, Richard 1990 Article
{I}nduktive {A}nalyse relationaler {D}aten Kietz, Jörg Uwe 1996 Phdthesis
{I}ndustrial and {P}ractical {A}pplications of {DAI} H. Van Dyke Parunak 1999 Incollection
{I}ndustrial-{S}trength {C}onversations Amy Unruh and Marian Nodine 2000 Incollection
{I}nferenzen bei {U}ngewißheit in {E}xpertensystemen Marcus Spies 1989 Inproceedings
{I}nfomaster - {A}n {I}nformation {I}ntegration {T}ool Oliver M. Duschka and Michael R. Genesereth 1997 Inproceedings
{I}nformal covariation assessments: {D}ata-based versus theory-based judgements D. Jennings and T. Amabile and L. Ros 1982 Incollection
{I}nformation {E}xtraction from {HTML}: {A}pplication of a {G}eneral {M}achine {L}earning {A}pproach Freitag, Dayne 1998 Inproceedings
{I}nformation {E}xtraction from {HTML}: {A}pplication of a {G}eneral {M}achine {L}earning {A}pproach Dayne Freitag 1998 Inproceedings
{I}nformation capture from topographic maps using machine learning Esposito, F. and Lanza, A. and Malerba, D. and Semeraro, G. 1998 Inproceedings
{I}nformation--{B}ased Evaluation Criterion for Classifier's Performance Kononenko, Igor and Bratko, Ivan 1991 Article
{I}nformationsextraktion aus {F}reitexteinträgen einer {D}atenbank Hoelscher, Markus 1997 Mastersthesis
{I}nformationsgewinnung durch automatisches {E}rzeugen zielbezogener {F}ragen S. Müller 1981 Inproceedings
{I}nformationsverarbeitung in neuronalen {N}etzen G. Palm 1989 Inproceedings
{I}nstance-based learning algorithms Aha, David and Kibler, Dennis and Albert, Marc 1991 Article
{I}ntegrative {D}iskursverarbeitung D. Dengler 1990 Inproceedings
{I}ntelligence {W}ithout {R}eason Brooks, Rodney A. 1991 Inproceedings
{I}ntelligent {A}gents Michael Wooldridge 1999 Incollection
{I}ntelligent {A}gents {II} 1996 Book
{I}ntelligent {A}gents {III} 1997 Book
{I}ntelligent {A}gents: {T}heories, {A}rchitectures, and {L}anguages 1995 Book
{I}ntelligent {A}gents: {T}heory and {P}ractice Wooldridge, Michael and Jennings, Nicholas R. 1995 Article
{I}ntelligent {A}gents: {T}heory and {P}ractice Wooldridge, Michael J. and Jennings, Nicholas R. 1995 Article
{I}ntelligent {D}ata {A}nalysis: {A}n {I}ntroduction Bradley, Elisabeth 1999 Inbook
{I}ntelligent {E}ngineering {S}ystems {T}hrough {A}rtificial {N}eural {N}etworks -- {F}uzzy {L}ogic and {E}volutionary {P}rogramming, Proceedings of the {A}rtificial {N}eural {N}etworks in {E}ngineering ({ANNIE '95}) conference, held {N}ovember 12-15, 1995, in {S}t. {L}ouis {MO}, {USA} 1995 Proceedings
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