
Titel Author Year Type
{L}earning to {E}xtract {S}ymbolic {K}nowledge from the {World Wide Web} Craven, Mark and DiPasquo, Dan and Freitag, Dayne and McCallum, Andrew and Mitchell, T. and Nigam, K. and Slattery, S. 1998 Inproceedings
Using a Data Metric for Offering Preprocessing Advice in Data Mining Applications Robert Engels and Christiane Theusinger 1998 Inproceedings
Proceedings of the Forth International Workshop on Multistrategy Learning (MSL-98) 1998 Proceedings
Multistrategy Theory Revision with {INTHELEX} Espositio, F. and Semeraro, G. and Fanizzi, N. and Ferilli, S. 1998 Inproceedings
{I}nformation capture from topographic maps using machine learning Esposito, F. and Lanza, A. and Malerba, D. and Semeraro, G. 1998 Inproceedings
A Softbot-Based Interface to the Internet Oren Etzioni and Daniel Weld 1998 Incollection
On the analysis of the (1+1) evolutionary algorithm Droste, S. and Jansen, T. and Wegener, I. 1998 Techreport
Acquiring Knowledge in Science and Mathematics: The Use of Multiple Representations in Technology-Based Learning Environments de Jong, Ton and Ainsworth, Sharoon and Dobson, Mike and van der Hulst, Anja and Levonen, Jarmo and Reimann, Peter and Sime, julie-Anne and Someren, Martin van and Spada, Hans and Swaak, Janine 1998 Incollection
Kausalanalystische {A}nsätze zur {P}rognose bedeutender {K}apitalmarktindizes Dietrich Eherler 1998 Inproceedings
{A}pplications {O}f {D}ata {H}iding {I}n {D}igital {I}mages Fridrich, Jiri 1998 Misc
Constructive Induction on Continous Spaces Gama, Joao and Brazdil, Pavel 1998 Incollection
Thinking in Java Eckel, Bruce 1998 Book
Learning the Structure of Dynamic Probabilistic Networks {F}riedmann,{N} and {M}urphy,{K} and {R}ussel,{S} 1998 Inproceedings
Learning by transduction A. Gammerman and V. Vapnik and V. Vowk 1998 Inproceedings
Data Mining: Statistics and More? David J. Hand 1998 Article
Statistical Methods for Analysing Intensive Care Data Ursula Gather 1998 Inproceedings
{D}ocument {R}esearch {B}ased on {C}ollaborative {P}rovided {S}tructural {K}nowledge Huber, H. 1998 Inproceedings
Clinical Data Acquisition: What and How? Michael Imhoff 1998 Inproceedings
{C}linical {D}ata {A}cquisition: {W}hat and how? M. Imhoff 1998 Article
{S}tate-{O}f-{T}he-{A}rt {R}eview {O}f {J}ob-{S}hop {S}cheduling {T}echniques Jain, Anant Singh and Meeran, Sheik 1998 Misc
A Roadmap of Agent Research and Development Nick Jennings and Katia Sycara and Michael Woolridge 1998 Article
{A} roadmap of agent research and development Jennings, Nicholas R. and Sycara, K. and Wooldridge, M. 1998 Article
Statistical pattern detection in univariate time series of intensive care on-line monitoring data M. Imhoff and M. Bauer and U. Gather and D. Löhlein 1998 Article
{E}xperience-{B}ased {K}nowledge {M}anagement: {H}ow to {C}apitalize on {F}ailures and {M}issed {O}pportunities Jarke, M. 1998 Inproceedings
{C}onstructive {I}nduction: {C}overing {A}ttribute {S}pectrum Hu, Y. 1998 Incollection
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