
Titel Author Year Type
What is a Word, What is a Sentence? Problems of Tokenisation Gregory Grefenstette and Pasi Tapanainen 1994 Inproceedings
What is a Word, What is a Sentence? Problems of Tokenisation Gregory Grefenstette and Pasi Tapanainen 1994 Incollection
What Is an Agent? Charles Petrie 1997 Inproceedings
What Daimler-Benz has Learned as an Industrial from the Machine Learning Project StatLog G. Nakheizadeh 1995 Article
What can Robots Learn from Humans Holger Friedrich and Michael Kaiser 1995 Inproceedings
What Are Plans for? Philip E. Agre and David Chapman 1990 Incollection
What {KL--ONE} Lookalkikes Need to Cope with Natural Language Algayer, J. and Reddig--Siekmann, C. 1990 Inproceedings
What {IS-A} Is and Isn't. Brachman, R.J. 1983 Article
West German Business Cycles 1963-1994: A Multivariate Discriminant Analysis U. Heilemann and H.J. Münch 1996 Book
Weltbild des Kindes Piaget, Jean 1978 Book
Wegeplanung autonomer {R}oboter Michael Dose 1994 Phdthesis
Webster's New World Dictionary of Amercan English 1994 Book
Web-Programmierung Avci, Oral; Trittmann, Ralph; Mellis, Werner 2003 Book
Weak conditional comparative probability as formal semantic theory C. G. Morgan 1984 Article
Wavelet--Based Histograms for Selectivity Estimation Matias, Yossi and Vitter, Jeffrey Scott and Wang, Min 1998 Inproceedings
Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis Percival, D. B. and Walden, A. T. 2000 Book
Watch what {I} do -- Programming by Demonstration A. I. Cypher 1993 Book
Vortrag zu 'Inductive Inference of Theories From Facts' von E. Shapiro Keller, Ingo and Kietz, Jörg-Uwe and Lindner, Jan 1988 Misc
Vorlesungen über Informatik 2: Objektorientiertes Programmieren und Algorithmen Gerhard Goos 1996 Book
Vorlesung: Algorithmen Vornberger, Oliver and Thiesing,Frank 1998 Unpublished
Vivid Logic and Directly Skeptical Inheritance Gerd Wagner 1991 Inproceedings
Visuelles {L}ernen mit neuronalen {N}etzen Andrea Meyering and Helge Ritter 1992 Incollection
Visually Mining Through Cluster Hierarchies, Proc. SIAM Int. Conf. on Data Mining Brecheisen, S. and Kriegel, H. - P. and Kroeger, P. and Pfeifle, M. 2004 Inproceedings
Visually Aided Exploration of Interesting Association Rules Bing Liu and Wynne Hsu and Ke Wang and Shu Chen 1999 Inproceedings
Visualization Techniques for Mining Large Data Bases: A Comparison D. A. Keim and H.-P. Kriegel 1996 Article
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