
Titel Author Year Type
{K}orpora -- {E}ine {H}erausforderung an die {I}nformationserschließung Robert Neumann 1996 Incollection
{K}orrespondenzen zwischen {KI} und {L}inguistik S. Kanngießer 1989 Inproceedings
{K}ünstliche {I}ntelligenz und {K}ognitive {P}sychologie: {Z}um {S}tand der {B}eziehung Joachim Funke 1988 Inproceedings
{K}urzbeschreibung {T}utorial: {K}onnektionismus Christel Kemke 1988 Inproceedings
{KA}o{S}: Toward and Industrial-Strengh Open Agent Architecture Jeffrey M. Bradshaw and Stewart Dutfield and Pete Benoit and John D. Wooley 1997 Incollection
{KADS} and Conventional Software Engineering Guus Schreiber and Bob Wielinga 1993 Incollection
{KADS}: Model Based {KBS} Development B. Wielinga and G. Schreiber 1990 Inproceedings
{KALES}: {A}nalogie-orientierte, fallbasierte {A}kquisition von {E}rfahrungswissen aus ähnlichen {D}omänen de la Ossas, Alvaro 1992 Incollection
{KANTRA} -- A Natural Language Interface For Intelligent Robots T. Längle and T. Lueth and G. Herzog and E. Stopp and G. Kamstrup 1995 Inproceedings
{KARDIO}: A Study in Deep and Qualitative Knowledge for Expert Systems Ivan Bratko and Igor Mozetic and Nada Lavrac 1989 Book
{KDD-Cup} 2000 Organizers' Report: Peeling the Onion Ron Kohavi and Carla Brodley and Brian Frasca and Llew Mason and Zijian Zheng 2000 Article
{KDDML}: {A} {M}iddleware {L}anguage and {S}ystem for {K}nowledge {D}iscovery in {D}atabases Andrea Romei and Salvatore Ruggieri and Franco Turini 2006 Article
{KEEworlds} Reference Manual, {KEE} Version 3.1 1987 Book
{KI} in der {P}raxis und für die {P}raxis -- {S}tand der {K}unst und {P}erspektiven Brigitte Bartsch--Spörl 1988 Inproceedings
{KI} und {N}euroinformatik Katharina Morik 1994 Incollection
{KI} und Neuroinformatik Morik, Katharina 1994 Techreport
{KI}--{P}rogrammierung Stoyan, H. 1989 Inproceedings
{KI}-99: {A}dvances in {A}rtificial {I}ntelligence 1999 Proceedings
{KI}-Forschung in Ostdeutschland Grabowski, Jan 1991 Article
{KI}: {W}oher kommt sie, wo steht sie, wohin geht sie? Habel, C. 1989 Inproceedings
{KIT-CORE-PROLOG} Description Version 1.0 Oliver Bittkau and Christian Haider and Jörg-Uwe Kietz February 1987 Techreport
{KITTEN}: Knowledge Initiation and Trasnfer Tools for Experts and Novices Shaw, M. and Gaines, B. 1988 Incollection
{KL--One}--basierte, hybride {R}epräsentationssysteme Bernhard Nebel 1989 Inproceedings
{KL-ONE} - eine Familie neuerer {KI}-Formalismen Kai von Luck September 1986 Techreport
{KQML} as an Agent Communication Language Tim Finin and Yannis Labrou and James Mayfield 1997 Incollection
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