
Titel Author Year Type
Ontology-driven {K}nowledge {M}anagement. {E}xploiting the {S}emantic {W}eb. J. Davies and D. Fensel and F. van Harmelen (eds) 2002 Book
Text Categorization for Multi-page Documents: A Hybrid Naive {Bayes HMM} Approach Paolo Frasconi and Giovanni Soda and Alessandro Vullo 2002 Article
Interdisciplinary Communities and Research Issues in Music Information Retrieval Joe Futrelle and J. Stephen Downie 2002 Inproceedings
Handbuch der künstlichen Intelligenz Görz, Günther 2002 Book
{C}onstraint-{B}ased {D}iscovery and {I}nductive {Q}ueries: {A}pplication to {A}ssociation {R}ule {M}ining Jeudy, Baptiste and Boulicant, Jean-Francois 2002 Inproceedings
Easing Participation in the Semantic Web Stefan Haustein and Jörg Pleumann 2002 Inproceedings
Optimizing Search Engines using Clickthrough Data Thosten Joachims 2002 Inproceedings
Learning to Classify Text using Support Vector Machines Joachims, Thorsten 2002 Book
Guest editors' introduction to the special issue on automated text categorization Thorsten Joachims and Fabrizio Sebastiani 2002 Article
Datenbanken und XML Kazakos, W. and Schmidt, A. and Tomczyk, P. 2002 Book
Finding Suprising Patterns in a Time Series Database in Linear Time and Space Eamonn Keogh and Stefano Lonardi and Bill Chiu 2002 Inproceedings
Automatic ontology derivation using clustering for image classification L. Khan and L. Wang 2002 Inproceedings
On the Learnability of Description Logic Kietz, Jörg-Uwe 2002 Inproceedings
Transductive Learning of Drifting Concepts Klinkenberg, Ralf 2002 Techreport
Informed Parameter Setting for Support Vector Machines: Using Additional User Knowledge in Classification Tasks Klinkenberg, Ralf 2002 Techreport
{O}nline-{R}egelung fuer das {P}rofilbiegen mit {M}ethoden der {C}omputational {I}ntelligence Kleiner, M. and Dirksen, U. and Chatti, K. and Morik, K. and Ritthoff, O. 2002 Article
Email classifications with co-training. Kiritchenko, S. and Matwin, S. 2002 Techreport
On the Learnability of Description Logic Jörg-Uwe Kietz 2002 Techreport
Knowledge Management for Computational Intelligence Klinkenberg, Ralf and Slawinski, Timo 2002 Techreport
Novel Learning Tasks From Practical Applications Klinkenberg, Ralf and Ritthoff, Oliver and Morik, Katharina 2002 Inproceedings
One Class SVM for Yeast Regulation Prediction Kowalczyk, A. and Raskutti, B. 2002 Article
Intelligent Information Agents R&D in Europe: An AgentLink Perspective Kushmerick, N. and Thomas, B. 2002 Inbook
Bayesian Space-Time Analysis of Health Insurance Data Stefan Lang and Petra Kragler and Gerhard Haybach and Ludwig Fahrmeir 2002 Incollection
{R}unning {T}ime {A}nalysis of {M}ulti-objective {E}volutionary {A}lgorithms on a {S}imple {D}iscrete {O}ptimization {P}roblem Laumanns, Marco and Thiele, Lothar and Zitzler, Eckart and Welzl, Emo and Deb, Kalyanmoy 2002 Inproceedings
{D}escription of the {M}4 {I}nterface used by the {H}{C}{I} of {W}{P}12 Bert Laverman and Olaf Rem 2002 Techreport
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