
Titel Author Year Type
{KQML} as an Agent Communication Language Finin, T. and Fritzson, R. and McKay, D. and McEntire, R. 1994 Inproceedings
{KRIMB}: An Intelligent Knowledge Acquisition and Representation Program for Interactive Model Building Cox, L.A. and Blumenthal, R. September 1987 Inproceedings
{KRITON}: A Knowledge-acquisition Tool for Expert Systems Diederich, Joachim and Ruhmann, Ingo and May, Mark 1987 Article
{KRYPTON}: a Functional Approach to Knowledge Representation Brachman, Ronald J. and Fikes, Richard E. and Levesque, Hector J. 1985 Incollection
{L}ayered {L}earning Peter Stone and Manuela Veloso 2000 Incollection
{L}earning {C}ontext-{F}ree {G}rammars with a {S}implicity {B}ias Pat Langley and Sean Stromsten 2000 Incollection
{L}earning {I}nformation {R}etrieval {A}gents: {E}xperiments with {A}utomated {W}eb {B}rowsing Balabanovic, Marko and Shoham, Yoav 1995 Inproceedings
{L}earning {P}robabilistic {R}elational {M}odels Getoor, Lise and Friedman, Nir and Koller, Daphne and Pfeffer, Avi 1999 Inproceedings
{L}earning {T}ogether: {U}nderstanding the {P}rocesses of {C}omputer-{B}ased {C}ollaborative {L}earning Littleton, Karen and Häkkinen,Päivi 1999 Incollection
{L}earning {T}rading {R}ules with {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming Liviu Badea 2000 Incollection
{L}earning and {M}aking {D}ecisions {W}hen {C}osts and {P}robabilities are {B}oth {U}nknown Zadrozny, Bianca and Elkan, Charles 2001 Inproceedings
{L}earning by {E}xplaining to {O}neself and to {O}thers Ploetzner, Rolf and Dillenbourg, Pierre and Preier, Michael and Traum, David 1999 Incollection
{L}earning in {FOL} with a {S}imilarity {M}easure Gilles Bisson 1992 Inproceedings
{L}earning in {M}ultiagent {S}ystems Sandip Sen and Gerhard Weiß 1999 Incollection
{L}earning information extraction rules for semi-structured and free text Soderland, Stephen 1999 Article
{L}earning the {S}tructure of {D}ynamic {P}robabilistic {N}et works Friedmann,N and Murphy,K and Russel,S 1998 Inproceedings
{L}earning to {E}xtract {S}ymbolic {K}nowledge from the {World Wide Web} Craven, Mark and DiPasquo, Dan and Freitag, Dayne and McCallum, Andrew and Mitchell, T. and Nigam, K. and Slattery, S. 1998 Inproceedings
{L}earning to {E}xtract {T}ext-based {I}nformation from the {W}orld {W}ide {W}eb Sonderland, Stephen 1997 Inproceedings
{L}ernen qualitativer {M}erkmale aus numerischen {R}obotersensordaten Stefanie Wessel 1995 Mastersthesis
{L}ernen und {W}issensakquisition Habel, Christopher and Rollinger, Claus--Rainer 1984 Inproceedings
{L}ernen von {M}akro-{T}rajektorien für einen autonomen {R}oboter Horst Spandl and Knut Pitschke 1991 Article
{L}ernen von {S}trukturbeschreibungen für ein wissensbasiertes {B}ildanalysesystem Bärbel Mertsching and Georg Hartmann 1989 Inproceedings
{L}etizia: {A}n {A}gent {T}hat {A}ssists {W}eb {B}rowsing Liebermann, Henry 1995 Inproceedings
{L}etizia: An Agent That Assists {W}eb Browsing Lieberman, Henry 1995 Inproceedings
{L}everaging {C}orpoate {S}kill {K}nowledge - {F}rom {P}ro{P}er to {O}nto{P}ro{P}er Sure, Y. and Maedche, A. and Staab, S. 2000 Incollection
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