
Titel Author Year Type
{L}ittle {W}ords {C}an {M}ake a {B}ig {D}ifference for {T}ext {C}lassification Riloff, Ellen 1997 Inproceedings
{L}ocal {H}armonic {E}stimation in {M}usical {S}ound {S}ignals Irizarry, Rafael A. 2001 Article
{L}ogikbasiertes {L}ernen in relationalen {D}atenbanken Guido Lindner 1994 Techreport
{L}otfi {A}. {Z}adeh: The man and his work Trillas, Enric 1993 Techreport
{LATEX}: {E}ine {E}inführung Helmut Kopka 1992 Book
{LEAP}: A Learning Apprentice for VLSI Design Mitchell, Tom M. 1985 Inproceedings
{LEAP}: A Learning Apprentice System for {VLSI} Design Mitchell,Tom M. and Mahadevan, Sridhar and Steinberg, Lois I. 1990 Incollection
{LEDA 1.0}: A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms --- User Manual Näher, Stefan 1989 Manual
{LEDA}: A Library of Efficient Data Types and Algorithms Mehlhorn, Kurt and Näher, Stefan 1989 Unpublished
{Logische Systeme der Informatik} Helmuth Thiele 1994 Unpublished
{M}aking {L}arge-{S}cale {SVM} {L}earning {P}ractical T. Joachims 1999 Incollection
{M}anaging {C}orporate {K}nowledge: {A} {C}omparative {A}nalysis of {E}xperiences in {C}onsulting {F}irms Mentzas, G. and Apostolou, D. 1998 Inproceedings
{M}anaging {K}nowledge through {E}cperimentation and {S}ocialisation Handzic, M. 2000 Incollection
{M}anaging the {K}nowledge {C}ontained in {T}echnical {D}ocuments Lenz, M. 1998 Inproceedings
{M}arkov {C}hain {M}onte {C}arlo in {P}ractice {A} {R}oundtable {D}iscussion Kass, Robert E. and Carlin, Bradly P. and Gelman, Andrew and Neal, Radford M. 1998 Article
{M}aschinelle {L}ernverfahren zum adaptiven {I}nformationsfiltern bei sich verändernden {K}onzepten Klinkenberg, Ralf 1998 Mastersthesis
{M}aschinelles {L}ernen Morik, Katharina 1995 Incollection
{M}aschinelles {L}ernen Katharina Morik 1993 Techreport
{M}aschinelles {L}ernen --- Leistungspotential und {A}nwendungschancen Stefan Wrobel 1995 Article
{M}aschinelles analoges {S}chließen Guido Derwand 1992 Incollection
{M}aschinenintelligenz oder {M}enschenphantasie G. Unseld 1992 Book
{M}easuring {P}erfomance when {P}ositives {A}re {R}are: {R}elative {A}dvantage versus {P}redictive {A}ccuracy -- {A} {B}iological {C}ase-{S}tudy Stephen H. Muggleton and Christopher H. Bryant and Ashwin Srinivasan 2000 Incollection
{M}edizinische {L}eitlinien und {P}rotokolle: das {A}sgaard/{A}sbru-{P}rojekt Silvia Miksch and Yuval Shahar and Peter Johnson 1997 Article
{M}ehrfachverwendung von diagnostischen {W}issensbasen in der {M}edizin Frank Puppe and Stefan Schewe 1997 Article
{M}ehrwertige {F}unktionen als {A}lternative zu {P}rädikaten Thomas Wilmes 1988 Inproceedings
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