
Titel Author Year Type
{M}emory-{B}ased {R}easoning Manuela Fink 1992 Incollection
{M}enschliches und {M}aschinelles {L}ernen -- {B}ildung und {R}evision von {B}egriffsstrukturen zum {T}ag/\-{N}achtzyklus Martin Mühlenbrock 1994 Mastersthesis
{M}entale {B}ilder -- {A}naloge {R}epräsentationen Rehkämper, Klaus 1990 Incollection
{M}eta{C}ost: {A} {G}eneral {M}ethod for {M}aking {C}lassifiers {C}ost-{S}ensitive Pedro Domingos 1999 Inproceedings
{M}etadata {M}anagement and {D}ata {W}arehousing Martin Staudt, Anca Vaduva, Thomas Vetterli 1999 Techreport
{M}ethoden und {S}ysteme des {M}aschinellen {L}ernens zur {W}artung von {W}issensbasen -- ein einführender Überblick Stefan Wrobel and Edgar Sommer 1994 Incollection
{M}ethodik des {P}rogrammierens in {P}rolog Reinhard Budde and Karin Kuhlenkamp and Karl--Heinz Sylla and Heinz Züllighoven 1987 Inproceedings
{M}inimax {TD}-{L}earning with neural {N}ets in a {M}arkov {G}ame Fredrik A. Dahl and Ole Martin Halck 2000 Incollection
{M}ining {M}art: {C}ombining {C}ase-{B}ased-{R}easoning and {M}ulti-{S}trategy {L}earning into a {F}ramework to reuse {KDD}-{A}pplication Kietz, Jörg-Uwe and Vaduva, Anca and Zücker, Regina 2000 Inproceedings
{M}ining {S}equential {P}atterns: {G}eneralizations and {P}erformance {I}mprovements Ramakrishnan Srikant and Rakesh Agrawal 1996 Inproceedings
{M}ining {T}ext {D}ata: {S}pecial {F}eatures and {P}atterns M. Delgado and M.J. Mart\'{i}n-Bautista and D. Sánchez and M.A. Vila 2002 Inproceedings
{M}ining {TCP}/{IP} {T}raffic of {N}etwork {I}ntrusion {D}etection by {U}sing a {D}istributed genetic {A}lgorithm Filippo Neri 2000 Incollection
{M}ining data with the {M}ining{M}art system -- {E}valuation {R}eport Marco Richeldi and Alessandro Perucci 2003 Techreport
{M}ining generalized association rules Srikant, Ramakrishnan and Agrawal, Rakesh 1995 Inproceedings
{M}ining sequential patterns: {G}eneralizations and performance improvements Srikant, Ramakrishman and Agrawal, Rakesh 1996 Inproceedings
{M}it welchen {T}hemen soll sich die {KI} auseinandersetzen? Christian Freksa 1988 Inproceedings
{M}odel-{B}ased {D}iagnosis in {I}ntensive {C}are {M}onitoring -- the {YAQ} Approach S. Uckun and B.M. Dawant and D.P. Lindstrom 1993 Article
{M}odeling {D}iscourse {A}cts in {C}omputer-{A}ssisted {C}ollaborative {D}ecision {M}aking Ballim, A. and Karacapilidis, N. 1998 Inproceedings
{M}odellgestütztes {B}ildverstehen von {D}okumenten Joachim Kreich 1989 Inproceedings
{M}odellieren von {E}rklärungen für den {T}ag/\-{N}acht--{Z}yklus Martin Mühlenbrock 1994 Inproceedings
{M}odellierung eines intensivmedizinischen {B}ehandlungsprotokolls zur {V}alidierung anhand realer {P}atientendaten Martin Scholz 2001 Mastersthesis
{M}odellierung und {S}imulation der {R}ezeption textuell repräsentierter {I}nhalte im {I}nternet Dilger, W. and Zeidler, J. 1998 Inproceedings
{M}odellierung von {S}zenarien kooperierender {A}kteure K. Sundermeyer 1990 Inproceedings
{M}odelling {C}hanges in {U}nderstanding Daniel Kayser and Stella Vosniadou 1999 Book
{M}odelling {C}onceptual {C}hange:{R}epresentational {I}ssues Filippo Neri, Lorenza Saitta and Andrèe Tiberghien 1999 Incollection
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