
Titel Author Year Type
{M}odelling {E}lementary {S}chool {S}tudents' {S}olution of {M}echanics {P}roblems Stella Vosniadou, Daniel Kayser, Marc Champesme, Christos Ioannides and Aggeliki Dimitracopoulou 1999 Incollection
{M}odulare {E}xpertensystemarchitekturen Ingo Syska and Roman Cunis and Andreas Günter and Heiner Bode and Heino Peters 1989 Inproceedings
{M}ulti-{A}gent {M}ediator {A}rchitecture for {D}istributed {M}anufacturing F. Maturana and D.H. Norrie 1996 Article
{M}ulti-resolution support vector machine Shao, X. and Cherkassky, V. 1999 Inproceedings
{M}ultiagent {N}egotiation under {T}ime {C}onstraints Sarit Kraus and Jonathan Wilkenfeld and Gilad Zlotkin 1995 Article
{M}ultiagent {S}ystems -- {A} {M}odern {A}pproach to {D}istributed {A}rtificial {I}ntelligence Gerhard Weiß 1999 Book
{M}ultiagent {S}ystems and {S}ocieties of {A}gents Michael N. huhns and Larry M. Stephens 1999 Incollection
{M}ultiobjective {E}volutionary {A}lgorithms: {A} {C}omparative {C}ase {S}tudy and the {S}trength {P}areto {A}pproach Zitzler, E. and Thiele, L. 1999 Article
{M}ultistrategy {L}earning for {D}ocument {R}ecognition Esposito, F. and Malerba, D. and Semeraro, G. 1994 Article
{M}ultivariate {S}tatistical {I}nference and {A}pplications Rencher, Alvin C. 1998 Book
{M}ultivariate statistical modelling based on generalized linear models {F}ahrmeir, {L}udwig and {T}utz, {G}erhard 1999 Book
{M}usicians make a standard: the {MIDI} phenomenon Loy, G. 1989 Article
{mAGENTa} -- {E}in {I}nternet-{A}gent zur automatischen {G}enerierung von graphischen {B}enutzeroberflächen mittels maschineller {L}ernverfahren am {B}eispiel radiologischer {B}efunde Kai Bullerdick and Oliver Ritthoff 1999 Mastersthesis
{MAKEY} 2.0 J. Lebbe and R. Vignes 1991 Misc
{MILES} -- a Modular Inductive Logic Programming Experimentation System Irene Stahl and Birgit Tausend 1994 Unpublished
{MINIMA}: A Symbolic Approach to Qualitative Algebraic Reasoning Brian C. Williams 1990 Incollection
{MiningMart}: Metadata-Driven Preprocessing Kietz, Jörg--Uwe and Vaduva, Anca and Zücker, Regina 2001 Inproceedings
{ML} for the Working Programmer Laurence C. Paulson 1991 Book
{MLC++}: A Machine Learning Library in {C++} Kohavi, R. and John, G. and Long, R. and Manley, D. 1994 Article
{MLT Deliverable 4.0/G}: Description of {MOBAL} Wrobel, Stefan 1989 Unpublished
{MLT} Deliverable 2.1: Comparative Study of the Representation Languages Used by the Systems of the {MLT} Morik, Katharina and Rouveirol, C?line and Sims, Phil 1989 Unpublished
{MLT} Deliverable 2.2: Specification of the Common Knowledge Representation Language of the {MLToolbox} Causse, Karine and Csernel, Marc and Morik, Katharina and Rouveirol, C?line 1990 Unpublished
{MLT}Algorithms Applied to Design for Manufacture - A Case Study Tim Parsons and Nick Puzey 1992 Techreport
{MOBAL's} Predicate Structuring Tool Klingspor, Volker 1991 Techreport
{MOBAL's} Program Interface J�rg-Uwe Kietz 1990 Techreport
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