
Titel Author Year Type
{MOBAL} 0.0 User's Guide Wrobel,Stefan 1990 Techreport
{MOBAL}'s {CKRL} Interface Jörg--Uwe Kietz 1991 Techreport
{MOBIS} -- {M}odellierung {B}iologischer {S}ysteme Oliver Wendel 1992 Incollection
{MODEL--K}: Making {KADS} Run {Angi Voß} and Werner Karbach 1993 Incollection
{MODEL-K}: Prototyping at the Knowledge Level Werner Karbach and Angi Voss and R.Schukey and Uwe Drouven 1991 Inproceedings
{MOLE}: A Tenacious Knowledge Acquisition Tool Eshelman, L. and Ehret, D. and McDermott, J. and Tan, M. January 1987 Article
{MOLE}: A Tenacious Knowledge Acquisition Tool Larry Eshelman and Damien Ehret and John McDermott and Ming Tan November 1986 Inproceedings
{MP}: {A}n efficent method for calculating the minimum {H}erbrand model of chain {D}atalog programs A. Rieger 1996 Inproceedings
{MP}: {A}n efficient method for calculating the minimum {H}erbrand model of chain {D}atalog programs Rieger, Anke 1996 Inproceedings
{MTMM} -- Correcting and Extending Time Map Management Stefan Materne and Joachim Hertzberg 1991 Inproceedings
{MULTEXT}: Multilingual {T}ext {T}ools and {C}orpora Susan Armstrong 1996 Incollection
{MULTILOG}: Multiple Worlds in Logic Programming Kauffman, H. and Grumbach, A. 1987 Inproceedings
{N}atürlichsprachliche {S}ysteme -- {E}ine {E}inführung in die sprachorientierte {KI}--Forschung Wahlster, W. 1982 Inproceedings
{N}earest neighbor pattern classification Cover, T.M. and Hart, P.E. 1967 Article
{N}etzmodelle für die {B}ürokommunikation -- {T}eil 1 Gernot Richter 1983 Article
{N}etzmodelle für die {B}ürokommunikation -- {T}eil 2 Gernot Richter 1984 Article
{N}euere {KI}--{F}ormalismen zur {R}epräsentation von {W}issen: {E}ine {F}allstudie vonLuck, Kai and Owsnicki--Klewe, Bernd 1987 Inproceedings
{N}euere {S}emantikmodelle für die {V}erarbeitung natürlicher {S}prache M. Pinkal 1989 Inproceedings
{N}eural {N}etworks for {T}ime {S}eries {P}rocessing Dorffner, Georg 1996 Article
{N}euronale {N}etze in der {WestLB} D. Heitkamp and K.-U. Höffgen and J. Minnemann 1995 Article
{N}euronale {N}etzwerke Anke Rieger 1993 Techreport
{N}icht--monotone {B}eweiser für {A}utoepistemische {L}ogik und {D}efault--{L}ogik Ulrich Junker 1989 Inproceedings
{N}ichtmonotone {L}ogiken: {E}in einführender Überblick Gerhard Brewka 1987 Inproceedings
{N}onparametric {R}egularization of {D}ecision {T}rees Tobias Scheffer 2000 Incollection
{netGen} --- A Parallel System Generating Problem-Adapted Topologies of Artificial Neural Networks for Image Analysis by Means of Genetic Algorithms R. Huber and H. A. Mayer and R. Schwaiger 1995 Article
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