
Titel Author Year Type
{NetSim}: {E}in {S}imulator für {N}euronale {N}etze Andreas Zell and Thomas Korb and Tilmann Sommer and Rolf Bayer 1989 Inproceedings
{NewsWeeder}: Learning to filter netnews Lang, Ken 1995 Inproceedings
{NIGEL} Gets to Know Logic: an Experiment in Natural Language Generation Taking a Logical, Knowledge--Based View B. Nebel and N. K. Sondheimer 1986 Inproceedings
{O}n tempo tracking: {T}empogram representation and {K}alman filtering Cemgil, A. and Kappen, B. and Desain, P. and Honing, H. 2000 Inproceedings
{O}n the {B}oosting {P}runing {P}roblem Christino Tamon and Jie Xiang 2000 Incollection
{O}n the {U}se of {L}ogic in {N}egotiation Michael Wooldridge and Simon Parsons 2000 Incollection
{O}n the analysis of the (1+1) evolutionary algorithm Droste, S. and Jansen, T. and Wegener, I. 2002 Article
{O}n the self-similar nature of {E}thernet traffic Leland, Will E. and Taqq, Murad S. and Willinger, Walter and Wilson, Daniel V. 1993 Inproceedings
{O}n-{T}o-{K}nowledge Sure York 2001 Inproceedings
{O}nline-{R}egelung fuer das {P}rofilbiegen mit {M}ethoden der {C}omputational {I}ntelligence Kleiner, M. and Dirksen, U. and Chatti, K. and Morik, K. and Ritthoff, O. 2002 Article
{O}ntology-{B}ased {S}kills {M}anagement: {G}oals, {O}pportunities and {C}hallenges Jacqueline R. Reich and P. Brockhausen and Th. Lau and Ulrich Reimer 2002 Inproceedings
{O}ptimierung des {L}ernverhaltens neuronaler Netze durch {B}erücksichtigung verschiedener {A}bstraktionsklassen der {N}etzwertopologie Karl--Heinz Krachenfels and Kerstin Schill 1989 Inproceedings
{O}ptimierung von {B}elegungsplänen auf {G}rundlage {B}asiskonnektonistischer {M}ethoden Peter Roßbach 1994 Mastersthesis
{O}ptimization by simulated annealing Kirkpatrick, S and Gelatt, C.D. and Vercchi, M.P. 1983 Article
{O}rganisational {M}emory {S}ystems: {A}pplication of {A}dvanced {D}atabase & {N}etwork {T}echnologies in {O}rganisations Lehner, F. and Maier, R. and Klosa, O. 1998 Inproceedings
{O}utliers in {T}ime {S}eries A. J. Fox 1972 Article
{O}utliers, {L}evel {S}hifts, and {V}ariance {C}hanges in {T}ime Series R. S. Tsay 1988 Article
{OFFICE--PLAN}: Tackling the Synthesis Frontier Werner Karbach and Marc Linster and Angi Voß 1989 Inproceedings
{OGUST}: A System that Learns Using Domain Properties Expressed as Theorems Vrain, Christel 1990 Incollection
{OLAP} and Data Mining: Bridging the Gap Kamran Parsaye 1997 Article
{OSKAR} --- Ein {PROLOG}--{P}rogramm zur {M}odellierung der {S}truktur und der {V}erarbeitung räumlichen {W}issens Ewald Lang and Kai--Uwe Carstensen 1989 Inproceedings
{OSSM}: A Segmentation Approach to Optimize Frequency Counting Carson Kai-Sang Leung and Raymond T. Ng and Heikki Mannila 2002 Inproceedings
{P3}: A Parallel Network Simulating System Zipser, D. and Rabin, D. E. 1989 Incollection
{P}arallel distributed systems: {E}xplorations in the microstructure of cognition Rumelhart, D.E. and Hinton, G.e. and Williams, R.J. 1986 Inbook
{P}arser als integraler {B}estandteil von {S}prachverarbeitungssystemen Christaller, Thomas 1984 Inproceedings
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