
Titel Author Year Type
Vision, Instruction, and Action D. Chapman 1991 Book
Vision based Robot Behavior: Tools and Testbeds for Real--World {AI} Research Hirochika Inoue 1993 Inproceedings
Virtual Reality as a Control and Supervision Tool for Autonomous Systems Jürgen Roßmann 1995 Inproceedings
Violation of a rule as a method of diagnosing infants' level of object concept Le Compte, G. K. and Gratch, G. 1972 Article
Viewpoint--Based Measurement of Semantic Similarity Between Words Kasahara, Kaname and Matsuzawa, Kazumitsu and Ishikawa, Tsutomu and Kawaoka, Tsukasa 1996 Incollection
Verwaltung grosser Datenmengen für die effiziente Anwendung des Apriori-Algorithmus zur Wissensentdeckung in Datenbanken F. Wiechers 1997 Mastersthesis
Verteiltes und kooperatives Planen in einer flexiblen Fertigungsumgebung Klaus Fischer 1993 Book
Vergleich medizinischen Wissens und des aus einer intensivmedizinischen Datenbank gewonnenen Wissens am Beispiel des haemodynamischen Monitorings Katharina Morik and Michael Imhoff 1999 Inproceedings
Vergessen, dass man eine {F}rau ist Prof. Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann 1988 Incollection
Vererbungshierachien und Prädikatenlogik Schmitt, P.H. 1987 Incollection
Verbmobil: Translation of Face-to-Face Dialogues W. Wahlster 1993 Inproceedings
Verbindung heterogener Experten-Communities durch die Entdeckung, Visualisierung und Nutzbarmachung von stillem Wissen - das AWAKE Projekt Jasminko Novak and Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss and Michael Wurst and Katarina Morik and Christoph Kunz and J"urgen Ziegler 2003 Inproceedings
Verbal Case Frame Acquisition from Bilingual Corpora Takehito Utsuro and Yuji Matsumoto and Makoto Nagao 1993 Inproceedings
Vehicles, Experiments in Synthetic Psychology Valentino Braitenberg 1984 Book
Various discretization procedures of numerical attributes: Empirical comparisons Petr Berka and Ivan Bruha 1995 Incollection
Varied Levels of Support for Constructive Activity in Hypermedia--Based Learning Environments Brockenbough S. Allen and Robert P. Hoffman 1993 Incollection
Variations and Local Exceptions in Inductive Logic Programming Arul Siromoney and Rani Siromoney 1995 Article
Variable Selection Using SVM-based Criteria Rakotomamonjy, Alain 2003 Article
Variable Precision Logic Ryszard S. Michalski and Patrick H. Winston 1986 Article
Validating Expert System Performance O'Keefe, R.M. and Balci, O. and Smith, E.P. 1987 Article
Utterance Generation without Choice Erwin Klöck 1988 Inproceedings
Utilizing temporal data abstraction for data validation and therapy planning for artificially ventilated newborn infants Silvia Miksch and Werner Horn and Christian Popow and Franz Paky 1996 Article
Utilizing Spatial Relations for Natural Language Access to an Autonomous Mobile Robot Eva Stopp and Klaus-Peter Gapp and Gerd Herzog and Thomas Laengle and Tim Lueth 1994 Inproceedings
Utilizing Knowledge: The Components of the {SB}--{ONE} Knowledge Representation Workbench Alfred Kobsa 1991 Incollection
Utility Patterns as Criteria for Efficient Generalization Learning Rendell, L. 1985 Techreport
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