
Titel Author Year Type
{A} nearest hyperrectangle learning method Salzberg, S. 1991 Article
{A} review and empirical evaluation of feature weighting methods for a class of lazy learning algorithms Wettschereck, D. and Aha, D.W. and Mohri, T. 1997 Article
{A} revision of {Z}wicker's loudness model Moore, B. C. J. and Glasberg, B. R. 1996 Article
{A} roadmap of agent research and development Jennings, Nicholas R. and Sycara, K. and Wooldridge, M. 1998 Article
{A} robust audio classification and segmentation method Lu, L. and Jian, H. and Zhang, H. 2001 Inproceedings
{A} system for induction of obligue decision trees Murthy, Sreerama K. and Kasif, Simon and Salzberg, Steven 1994 Article
{A} tutorial on learning with bayesian networks Heckerman, David 1995 Techreport
{A}bbildungsqualit"{a}t von wissensbasierten {S}ystemen Susanne Kirchhoff 1994 Book
{A}bschlußbericht zum {P}rojekt {D}ata {M}ining mit maschinellem {L}ernen (094 965 129 7/0191) Peter Brockhausen 1997 Unpublished
{A}ctive learning of partially hidden {M}arkov models Tobias Scheffer and Stefan Wrobel 2001 Inproceedings
{A}daptive sampling methods for scaling up knowledge discovery algorithms Domingo, Carlos and Ricard Gavalda and Osamu Watanabe 1999 Techreport
{A}dobe {F}ramemaker 5 1999 Manual
{A}dvances in {I}nductive {L}ogic {P}rogramming Luc de Raedt 1996 Book
{A}dvances in {K}nowledge {D}iscovery and {D}ata {M}ining Klösgen, Willi 1996 Inbook
{A}gent {C}ommunication {L}anguages: {R}ethinking the {P}rinciples Munindar P. Singh 1998 Article
{A}gent {T}cl: {A} flexible and secure mobile-agent system Gray, Robert 1996 Inproceedings
{A}gent {T}heories, {A}rchitectures, and {L}anguages: a {S}urvey Wooldridge, Michael J. and Jennings, Nicholas R. 1994 Misc
{A}gent-{B}ased {S}ystems for {I}ntelligent {M}anufacturing: {A} {S}tate-of-the-{A}rt {S}urvey Weiming Shen and Douglas H. Norrie 1999 Article
{A}gent-{B}ased {S}ystems for {I}ntelligent {M}anufacturing: {A} {S}tate-of-the-{A}rt {S}urvey Weiming Shen and Douglas H. Norrie 1999 Incollection
{A}gent-{O}riented {I}nformation {S}ystems 2000 Proceedings
{A}lgorithms for {C}lustering {D}ata Jain, A.K. and Dubes, R.C. 1988 Book
{A}n {A}nalysis of {R}ecent {W}ork on {C}lustering {A}lgorithms Daniel Fasulo 1999 Techreport
{A}n {A}nalysis of {R}ule {E}valuation {M}etrics Fürnkranz, Johannes and Flach, Peter A. 2003 Inproceedings
{A}n {E}fficient and {E}ffective {P}rocedure for {U}pdating a {C}ompetence {M}odel for {C}ase-{B}ased {R}easoners Barry Smyth and Elizabeth McKenna 2000 Incollection
{A}n {E}lectronic {B}roker {F}or {B}usiness-{T}o-{B}usiness {E}lectronic {C}ommerce {O}n {T}he {I}nternet Bichler, Martin and Beam, Carrie and Segev, Arie 1998 Article
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