Description: |
The procedure least general generalization reads (at least) two
clauses as its input and outputs a single clause, implying all
input clauses, but being no more general than necessary.
In detail: If c1, c2 and clgg
are clauses, with clgg = LGG(c1,
c2), then
clgg → c1 and clgg
→ c2, and
for every clause cgen, with
cgen → c1 and
cgen → c2,
there exists a substitution θ, such that
cgenθ ⊆
So there is no clause more specific than clgg, implying
c1 and c2. Please follow the link above to
"θ-subsumption" to read more about how implication is
related to θ-subsumption.
Algebraic properties of the LGG
The least general generalization of clauses is unique up to
variable renaming. For all clauses c1, c2
and c3 the following equations hold:
LGG(c1, c2) = LGG (c2,
LGG( LGG(c1, c2), c3) =
LGG( c1, LGG(c2, c3))
LGG(c1, c1) = c1
A procedure for finding the lgg of two clauses c1 and
In the first step, all pairs of corresponding literals are
grouped together.
If there are literals l1 in clause c1 and
l2 in c2,
- both positive or both negative, and
- having the same predicate symbol (with the same arity),
then these literals are corresponding. So we have a set of single
literals (which do not have a corresponding literal in the other
clause) and pairs of literals.
In step 2, for each pair of literals having been grouped together
in step 1, the procedure least general generalization for terms is
invoked for each component of the literal, and each pair of
literals is replaced by the according result.
If two terms are replaced, these terms have to be replaced by the
same variable each time.
Single literals, not having a corresponding literal, are not
The result is the conjunction of all literals from step 2.
Mind that the length of the LGG of clauses can be exponentially
large in the length of input clauses, for there can be several
pairs of corresponding literals.
To see an example and an applet, demonstrating the least general
generalization, please follow the link to the Centre for
Computational Learning Systems (CCLS).