Stephen H. Muggleton and Christopher H. Bryant and Ashwin Srinivasan (2000): Measuring Perfomance when Positives Are Rare: Relative Advantage versus Predictive Accuracy -- A Biological Case-Study

Title: Measuring Perfomance when Positives Are Rare: Relative Advantage versus Predictive Accuracy -- A Biological Case-Study
Author(s): Stephen H. Muggleton and Christopher H. Bryant and Ashwin Srinivasan
Year: 2000
Booktitle: {P}roceedings of the 11th {C}onference on {M}achine {L}earning ({ECML} 2000)
Editor(s): Ramon López de Mántaras and Enric Plaza
Volume: 1810
Pages: 300 - 312
Publisher: Springer Verlag Berlin
