KDD process
Description: |
The non-trivial process of identifying valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately understandable patterns in data - Fayyad, Platetsky-Shapiro, Smyth (1996)
- non-trivial process (Multiple process)
- valid (Justified patterns/models)
- novel (Previously unknown)
- useful (Can be used)
- understandable (by human and machine)
KDD is inherently interactive and iterative
a step in the KDD process consisting of methods that produce useful patterns or models from the data, under some acceptable computational efficiency limitations.
- Understand the domain and Define problems
- Collect and
- Preprocess Data
- Data Mining
- Extract Patterns/Models
- Interpret and Evaluate discovered knowledge
- Putting the results in practical use
Publications: |
Chapman/etal/2000a: CRISP--DM 1.0