Signature | Author(s) | year | Title |
ICML/99a | | 1999 | International Conference on Machine Learning | ESS/95a | | 1995 | Encyclopedia of Statistical Science | Kodratoff/Michalski/90a | | 1990 | Machine Learning --- An Artificial Intelligence Approach | Mueller/etal/99a | | 1999 | Neural Information Processing Systems | Ras/Skowron/97a | | 1997 | Foundations of Intelligent Systems | Aha/97a | | 1997 | Lazy Learning | Bernstein/etal/2002a | Abraham Bernstein and Shawndra Hill and Foster Provost | 2002 | An Intelligent Assistant for the Knowledge Discovery Process | Aha/etal/91a | Aha, David and Kibler, Dennis and Albert, Marc | 1991 | Instance-based learning algorithms | Breiman/etal/84b | Breiman, Leo and Friedman, Jerome H. and Olshen, Richard A. and Stone, Charles J. | 1984 | Classification and Regression Trees | Burges/98a | C. Burges | 1998 | A Tutorial on Support Vector Machines for Pattern Recognition | Carbonara/Sleeman/99a | Carbonara, L. and Sleeman, Derek H. | 1999 | Effective and Efficient Knowledge Base Refinement | Craw/Sleeman/95a | Craw, S. and Sleeman, Derek H. | 1995 | Automating the refinement of knowledge-based systems | Fisher/87c | Douglas H. Fisher | 1987 | Knowledge Acquisition Via Incremental Conceptual Clustering | Draper/Smith/73a | Draper, N. and Smith, H. | 1973 | Applied Regression Analysis | Engels/96a | Engels, Robert | 1996 | Planning Tasks for Knowledge Discovery in Databases; Performing Task--Oriented User--Guidance | Fan/95a | Fan, J. | 1995 | Local Modelling | Friedman/91a | Friedman, Jerome H. | 1991 | Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines | Friedman/Stuetzle/81a | Friedman, Jerome H. and Stuetzle, W. | 1981 | Projection pursuit regression | Gaerdenfors/88a | G?rdenfors, Peter | 1988 | Knowledge in Flux --- Modeling the Dynamics of Epistemic States | Ganascia/90a | Ganascia, Jean-Gabriel | 1990 | L'^ame-machine | Ginsberg/88b | Ginsberg, A. | 1988 | Automatic Refinement of expert system knowledge bases | Goerz/etal/2000a | Görz, G. and Schneeberger, J. and Rollinger, C. | 2000 | Handbuch der künstlichen Intelligenz | Hastie/Tibshirani/90a | Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. | 1990 | Generalized Additive Models | Rissanen/82a | J. Rissanen | 1982 | A universal prior for integers and estimation by the minimum description length | Quinlan/96a | J.R. Quinlan | 1996 | Learning First-Order Definitions of Functions | > Show next 25 entries (25 ... ) |